
New Avengers: Endgame Trailer May Confirm When Tony Returns Home

The new Avengers: Endgame Special Look trailer has Marvel fans more hyped than ever, as it finally […]

The new Avengers: Endgame Special Look trailer has Marvel fans more hyped than ever, as it finally teases some of the major conflict in the film, as the remaining Avengers band together and take the fight to Thanos. The biggest reveal of this big “Avengers Assemble” theme in the new spot is that Tony Stark / Iron Man indeed makes it home to Earth, and is the one who inspires his team to get back up from defeat and battle again.

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I goes without saying that this pretty much answers a major mystery from the Avengers: Endgame Super Bowl spot – where the team is seen walking outside Avengers compound, to investigate something approaching from the sky – is the moment where Iron Man and Nebula return to Earth on the Guardians ship, The Benatar.

The new footage also confirms another mystery of the Super Bowl spot – that it’s Gwyneth Paltrow’s Pepper Potts who was most likely edited out of the Super Bowl spot shot of the Avengers walking out of the compound together. The shot in this new trailer of Tony and Pepper hugging suggests she’s definitely on site at Avengers Compound when Tony gets home.

I’ll be the first to admit that this new Avengers: Endgame trailer torpedoes the theory that Iron Man sacrifice himself in space to save Nebula, and provide the team with a plan to beat Thanos. However, even with all of this now confirmed by this new trailer, there still may be a bit of misdirection happening on the part of the Russos.

We’ve already done some deep-dive breakdowns of the previous Avengers: Endgame trailers, as well as merchandise, which reveal that the film contains a major sequence where Thanos and his Outriders ambush Avengers Compound. The connected dots indicated that Thanos surprises the Avengers – quite possibly as they are loading up on a ship to take the fight to him. When the compound is overrun by the Outriders, Hawkeye seemingly sets off an explosion – and that blast, or some other destructive act – basically destroys Avengers Compound entirely.

If you look closely enough, that series of events still syncs with what this new trailer shows: Thanos warps into the location where he’s facing The Avengers, which wouldn’t be needed if they were surprising him like the trailer indicates. The final scene of Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America approaching Thanos for a fight takes place in a setting that’s basically a pile of rubble, with Thanos’ armor looking damaged, and the helmet missing. If Hawkeye blows the base as is indicated, then Thanos would’ve been caught in the blast as well.


More importantly, Thanos even having to use his ship’s warp system, fight with a bladed weapon, or taking damage form an explosion, all pretty much confirms a major spoiler from the Thanos Build-A-Bear: That the Mad Titan may no longer have the Infinity Gauntlet in his possession.

Avengers: Infinity War is now available on home video, and Captain Marvel is now in theaters. Upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movies include Avengers: Endgame on April 26th, and Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5th.


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