Fan Artist Makes ‘The Punisher’ Season Two Villain More Comic-Accurate

As the marketing for season two of The Punisher began to ramp up, fans were quick to notice that [...]

As the marketing for season two of The Punisher began to ramp up, fans were quick to notice that Billy Russo (Ben Barnes) doesn't really look much like his comic book counterpart. In fact, the character hardly has any scars on his face, compared to the mangled mess it looked like at the end of the first season finale.

Fan artist extraordinaire Boss Logic was quick to pick up on the critiques and mocked up his own version of what he thinks Barnes' villainous character should look like and we have to say, it looks pretty comic-accurate.

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If the surgery wasn't amazing in the next season of @thepunisher 😁 @netflix

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The artist even makes sure to joke about the apparently perfect surgeon available in the world of Frank Castle (Jon Bernthal) and company, in reference to Russo's toned-down look. According to Barnes, his character's journey over season two is much more than just dealing with his physical disfigurement. Barne made sure to point out that Russo deals with his fair share of mental health issues throughout the duration of his sophomore outing.

"I think what I'm allowed to say is that it's not just about the physical," Barnes tells CBR. "He's had his head very much traumatized in the same way that veterans receive these kind of head traumas and psychological trauma as well, so he's dealing with both of those things very much in a similar way to how veterans might deal with TBIs from coming back from war and everything," Barnes explained. "I think that that is what he sort of believes he's gone through and he's got brain damage and he's got severe issues with his memory.

"I won't go into specifically what he can and can't remember because that kind of ruins the story," the actor continues. "But he's trying to piece together what happened to him and who he is and so there is the metaphor at one point used that his brain is the jigsaw which they're trying to put the pieces back together, or it's not necessarily about the lines joining up on his face, which is I think a much more interesting thing.

If you're looking to get caught up, season one of The Punisher is now streaming on Netflix. Season two drops January 18th and if past "Defendersverse" shows are any indication, expect The Punisher Season Two to be added to the streaming service at 12:00 am on release day.