Hall of Fame comics creator Rob Liefeld recently commemorated the 25th Anniversary of his hugely successful X-Force #1 title with an Instagram post.
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The popular book hit the ground running and ended up selling 5 million copies. Liefeld will be doing a sketch cover hunt at San Diego Comic-Con this year, and included the cover (a variant of the original X-Force #1) along with a caption in his post.
“So it was 25 years ago this month that X-FORCE #1 launched and sold 5 MILLION copies. X-Force is the #2 best selling comic of all time. It was an incredible show of support from the fans in the short span of just 18 months from when I arrived on New Mutants #87 and the introduction of Cable, to the total reboot of the book which included the introduction of some 20 plus new characters and concepts that connected with readers who voted with their tremendous enthusiasm! Thank you! I’ll be celebrating with another sketch hunt at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con! #robliefeld #cable #deadpool #domino #shatterstar #xforce #marvel colors by Tom Mason”
X-Force embodied the comics industry of the 1990’s, and while many franchises and teams have gone extinct, X-Force continues to be a popular property. The team could make an even bigger impression on general audiences if the rumored X-Force film project at FOX ever comes to fruition. Their leader, the future residing son of Scott and Jean Nathan Summers, who goes by the name of Cable, will also be appearing in FOX’s upcoming Deadpool sequel.