Someone Pulled Off The Most Epic 'Spider-Man 2' Pizza Time New Year's Stunt Ever

Legend— SpiderMan1962 (@SpiderMan1962_) January 1, 2019 Ringing in [...]

Ringing in the New Year with a hot, delicious pizza is never a bad idea. But doing so with this much style is pretty impressive.

Twitter user SpiderMan1962 shared a video he had pulled from Reddit, showing someone -- he isn't sure who -- syncing up not one but two things to simultaneously ring in the New Year.

First -- the scene in Spider-Man 2, where Peter Parker delivers a stack of pizzas.

If you haven't watched it in a while, Peter arrives late for work as a pizza delivery boy in Manhattan, where he is berated by his boss for always being late. The shop has a 29-minute delivery guarantee, and Peter as a result has only 8 minutes to deliver a stack of pizzas or they will not be able to charge for the pies.

When he arrives, he memorably says it's "pizza time." In the video, the clip syncs up so that when Peter says the words, the clock strikes midnight and the year changes over.

But that's not all: there's another chime in the apartment where the video was made, and simultaneous to Peter saying it was pizza time, the oven goes off, revealing that the person filming has also prepared a pizza for themselves that will come out at exactly the stroke of the New Year...while Peter is saying "pizza time."

That is some serious commitment to a bit, and it will likely win them some internet immortality, as this clip is likely to be shared by Spider-fans on New Year's for some time to come.

That, of course, is more than we can say for Peter in the movie: Changing into Spider-Man, Peter manages to arrive in time to deliver the pizzas within the 29-minute window -- but when he realizes that there was a bit of web fluid stuck to the top of one of the boxes, the time it takes him to remove it pushes him over the edge.

"I'm not going to pay for that," says a receptionist (played by Bones veteran Emily Deschanel). He dejectedly rides the elevator down to the lobby and then heads back to the pizza shop, where he is fired for his unreliability.

You can catch Spider-Man 2 on DVD, Blu-ray, or various Video On Demand services. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which sees Peter eating quite a bit of pizza, is in theaters now.