Thor: Love And Thunder Star Tessa Thompson Reveals New Powers

Thor: Love and Thunder will give Valkyrie some new powers. Tessa Thompson plays the Asgardian figurehead in Taika Waititi's next trip into the MCU. She talked to W Magazine about her career and the Marvel Cinematic Universe's evolution. The actress explained that the world isn't the only thing expanding, her powers as Valkyrie are going into some weird directions too. In the new movie, she says she will have the ability to bring people into the afterlife and revive them if necessary. As the link to Valhalla, this makes a bit of sense. But, fans will only begin to wonder what kind of role this could play in Love and Thunder. Every member of the cast and crew has claimed that Waititi has some tremendously strange things planned for the next entry. Thompson's comments here would only seem to bolster those claims. Check out what she had to say about these newfound powers down below.

"She has weird skills, to be honest. She can sense when someone is close to death, and she takes them into Valhalla, which is essentially the afterlife. She can revive people. But when she revives people, sometimes she ends up in their body. It's a weird thing. It can be quite erotic. And then she has superhuman strength and is essentially God."

Change as a theme has been consistent in the MCU as late. Thompson previously told The Playlist that she would have some new responsibilities in the upcoming movie. Valkyrie is queen now and that means some change was always on the horizon after Endgame. How the world has change? Well, we'll just have to wait and find out.

"I can tease that she's definitely King of New Asgard when we find her," Thompson revealed last year. "And as was the case in the last four, I would say that she's a part of an adventure that involved Thor, in the sense that it's called Thor: Love and Thunder. And I'd say there's some cool stuff going on. We have some new characters; we have some folks potentially from other pockets of the MCU. And then we have some folks, maybe, that we've seen before."  

What role do you think her new powers could play in Love and Thunder? Will it have to do with Jane Foster's imminent return? Let us know down in the comments!