
5 MCU Characters Who Get Too Much Hate From Marvel Fans

Some MCU characters get a lot more scorn than they deserve.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe gave the general public the gift of Marvel, and they’ve loved it. Marvel Studios is the five hundred pound gorilla of the film world, and they’ve risen so far because of their characters. Marvel has always had some of the best superheroes of all time and the MCU made fans rabid for these characters. MCU fan spaces are full of extremely passionate fans, and that passion can be positive. However, that passion can also go in the exact opposite way. There are some MCU characters who fans heap scorn upon for a variety of reasons.

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While the MCU definitely makes mistakes with many, many, many characters, there are some times when the fan base takes things too far. There are some MCU characters right now that get way too much scorn. These five MCU characters don’t deserve the treatment they get from fans; they’re much better than they get credit for.


The Hulk’s treatment doesn’t come from a place of negativity so much as a place of disappointment. It all springs from Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame. Many Hulk fans got very angry that Thanos dominated the Hulk. They didn’t like the Hulk was so scared Bruce Banner couldn’t change into him and they hated that Hulk never got to fight Thanos and get his win back. They especially dislike Professor Hulk, thinking that it was a massive mistake to not have the savage Hulk ascendant. They want more Hulk, but they only want the Hulk they want.

The funny thing about all of this is that the Hulk literally saved the universe in Endgame. The only person capable of undoing the Snap without immediately dying was the Hulk. On top of that, the Hulk is a character who has been evolving since his introduction in the comics. The Hulk is all part of Bruce Banner’s DID and the way his personalities meld, change, and fight is the most interesting thing about the character. Hulk smashing is cool, but Hulk evolving is cooler. The current Hulk is a great character with way more potential than he’d have if he was just the mindless monster. Monster Hulk has his place, but so does the Professor Hulk. Hulk is more than smashing, and maybe one day, these fans will see that.


Everyone knows what moment this is going to be about. In Avengers: Infinity War, Star-Lord learns about the death of Gamora and messes everything up. The heroes had almost gotten the Infinity Gauntlet off Thanos’ arm, but Star-Lord’s rage spurs to attack the Mad Titan. Thanos awoke from Mantis’s mental attack, and went back to trouncing every one in front of him, eventually making his way to Earth, getting the last few Infinity Stones, and snapping away half of the universe’s population. Ever since then, fans have hated on Star-Lord, calling him weak and immature.

However, this ignores everything about Star-Lord. Peter Quill is a man defined by the loss of those he loves. It began with his mother, then Yondu, and finally the woman he loved, Gamora. There’s no way he was going to stoically carry on with the mission once he found out she was gone. He wasn’t going to figure that there was no way that he could hurt Thanos. He was going to blindly rage against the universe taking away another person he loved. This was part of his character arc and it was perfect.



She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is one of the better MCU shows in terms of comic accuracy. When comic book fans thinks of She-Hulk, they think of the fourth-wall breaking joker from the John Byrne and Dan Slott years. The She-Hulk of the show is basically the She-Hulk of the comics โ€” a woman with a career who constantly comments on her life, who just so happens to have the powers of a rage monster that she can almost control most of the time. Anyone who read She-Hulk comics loved the show, and hope that She-Hulk: Attorney at Law gets a second season.

The problem comes from the more toxic sections of the Marvel fan base. The minute Jennifer said that she would be able to control her Hulk better than Bruce because as a woman she had to deal with infuriating situations that Bruce couldn’t even imagine, they took to the Internet to let their displeasure be known. It only got more misogynistic from there. The most ironic part? The show itself showed that Jenn was wrong about her ability to control her She-Hulk side. She loses control. The show set up something, and then paid it off. MCU She-Hulk is a great character and the people who complain about her know nothing about her, her comics, and didn’t understand her show.

John Walker/US Agent

Let’s get this out of the way โ€” John Walker was not a good choice to become Captain America. That was the entire point. Walker was a great soldier, but he was also someone who shouldn’t have been put in the position he was in. Walker killing that Flagsmasher in a rage while they surrendered in front of people was meant to show how out of his league he was. He had just lost his best friend and had the power of the supersoldier serum running through his veins. He was in a more fragile place than ever. There’s a moment from Captain America: The First Avenger that explains why perfectly โ€” Professor Erskine says that the serum won’t make someone into a hero, it will only make them more who they are. And John Walker was not the kind of person who should the power he did.

A lot of MCU fans hate Walker, but the point of John Walker isn’t to hate him. It’s to show that sometimes, a person who seems like they have all the right skills can’t actually do the work. John Walker, if anything, should be pitied. He’s a fascinating character, and it would be interesting if he got explored in a deeper way. That said, there is a portion of the fandom who love Walker and believe that he was a good Captain America, but they also miss the point of the character.

Captain Marvel


Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel was always going to have an uphill battle. The character was sold as the most powerful Marvel hero ever, and was Nick Fury’s secret weapon. Her first film was a massive success, but that made sense; MCU fans who watched Avengers: Infinity War wanted to know her origin and see how she knew Nick Fury. Even though the Captain Marvel movie is a standard MCU action comedy with cool fights, funny jokes, and interesting characters, this didn’t stop fans from hating Brie Larson as Captain Marvel.

If we’re being honest, the hate for Captain Marvel has very little to do with the character. Much like her first movie, Captain Marvel is a perfectly fine MCU character. She’s powerful, has some cool action scenes, and has all the potential in the world. However, Brie Larson said that critics shouldn’t all be white men, and that angered a part of the fan base. That’s basically the reason people hate the character of Captain Marvel. They aren’t judging the character on her merits, they just hate her. Larson has already teased Captain Marvel’s return in the upcoming Avengers movies, and she definitely should show up, just to make the people that hate her for no reason even more futilely angry.