Ben Affleck and Matt Damon’s names are arguably synonymous with the films of the past few decades, as the duo have collaborated together both on and offscreen on multiple occasions. On Tuesday, it was revealed that the duo will be reuniting once again, and will be bringing a unique true story to life. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the pair are working on a currently-untitled sports marketing drama, which will center on the true-life story of former Nike executive Sonny Vaccaro. The feature film will hail from Amazon Studios and Skydance Sports, in a deal that is currently being finalized.
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Affleck is expected to direct, write, produce, and co-star in the film, while Damon is poised to star, write, and produce. Their film would follow Vaccaro (played by Damon) and Nike co-founder Phil Knight (played by Affleck), in their longshot efforts to sign rising superstar basketball player Michael Jordan to its shoe company in the mid-eighties. The story will focus on Vaccarro’s relentless quest to sign Jordan to what was then the third place shoe company, a journey that took him to Jordan’s parents, and in particular his powerful, dynamic mother, as well as to former coaches, advisors, and friends. According to the report, Jordan will be referenced in the film, but not seen onscreen.
The project will be inspired by the 30 for 30 documentary Sole Man, which recounted Vaccaro’s story. An early incarnation of the script, then titled Air Jordan, was penned by Black List alum Alex Convery. Affleck and Damon are reportedly reworking the script now.
This will be Affleck’s latest directorial effort since 2016’s Live by Night, and the latest example of him acting in more independent projects following his departure from playing Batman in the DC Films universe.
“Television means something different. And once that happened withย The Last Duel, I thought, ‘Well, that’s probably the last theatrical release I’ll have,’” Affleck explained in an interview late last year. “Because I don’t want to do IP movies, where you have this sort of built-in audience. That’s something I was interested in and liked, and I just don’t like anymore. I like other people who do it. And if you are going to do it, you should love it. And I love something different. So, I want to do that. Really, what’s important to me is that people see it. I mean, this is in a limited theatrical release, and that’s great. I know that 90% of people are going to see it on Amazon, and I want them to see it. I want them to see the movie. That’s more important to me.”
What do you think of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon partnering on a new movie? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!