Nearly thirty years after the last installment, Eddie Murphy’s Beverly Hills Cop franchise will return soon, with a fourth installment on Netflix set to begin production any day now. The new film, now titled Beverly Hills Cop: Axel Foley, has cast Taylour Paige and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The film, written by Will Beall and directed by Mark Molloy, hails from producers Murphy, Jerry Bruckheimer, and Chad Oman of Jerry Bruckheimer films.
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Earlier this month while promoting Top Gun: Maverick,‘s Chris Killian had a chat with producer Jerry Bruckheimer who revealed the fourth installment is set to begin filming very soon.
“Well, we’re making another Beverly Hills cop. We start that in like a week or 10 days and that’s gonna be for Netflix,” Bruckheimer told us at the time.
Maverick studio Paramount, which handled Murphy’s Coming 2 America, will no longer distribute Beverly Hills Cop: Axel Foley, with the film heading to Netflix instead. The film has been in and out of development for a while, with Netflix trying to find a take they liked and Murphy serving as an advisor. It also sounds like he plans to do at least one more Beverly Hills Cop after this, because he said during the Coming 2 America press tour that he planned on focusing on “mostly” stand-up comedy and Beverly Hills Cop.
That makes some sense, considering projects like Halloween and Bad Boys coming back with big hits and immediately getting sequels.
While Murphy was promoting Coming 2 America, he revealed Beverly Hills Cop IV was the next movie he wanted to focus on. Coming 2 America ended up skipping theaters and premiering on Prime Video in 2020 during the height of the pandemic. “Yeah, that’s what we’re doing after Coming 2 America, we’re doing Beverly Hills Cop and then the plan is to get back on stage and do stand up and then kind of that’s what I’ll be doing mostly is stand up and Beverly Hills Cop,” Murphy told Collider.
Stay tuned for more updates about Beverly Hills Cop IV.
h/t Deadline