Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Costume Designer Ruth E. Carter Teases The New Suit

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever costume designer Ruth E. Carter dropped some details about the new Black Panther suit. A lot of the speculation surrounding the movie has circled who will be wearing the armor of the Marvel hero. Carter didn't tell Deadline who would be under that mask, but she did give fans a few nuggets that might point to a design inspiration for the character. The costume designer mentioned the strength of professional ballerinas and their musculature. The agile nature of the Black Panther has been seen on-screen in previous Marvel projects. But, some of the leaps in the trailers hint that this version of the character will lean into that quicker fighting style even more heavily. Check out what she had to say down below!

"That little petite, strong Black Panther costume," Carter clarified. "You ever see a ballerina? They're very small, but their muscles are tight and strong to hold themselves and do all of those leaps. This Black Panther is no different. She's ready for battle, you can see the muscles, it doesn't matter if you're six-foot tall or what have you…"

Pushing Forward Without Chadwick Boseman's T'Challa

Series director Ryan Coogler also spoke to Variety on the Red Carpet when it came to approaching a different Black Panther. Obviously, Boseman's passing casts a long shadow. But, the filmmaker felt like it was within the spirit of his star to press onward with this world and this entry without T'Challa. 

"It's complicated, it's complicated," Coogler began. "What I will say, Chadwick was all about pushing things forward while being aware of took place behind him. That concept is kind of one of the things that I always hold in terms of lessons from him. He was also so so so brilliant at understanding moments, understanding the moment that he was in. So that's what I was trying to do, I was trying to channel him in terms of going through this process. Understanding that we had to keep moving forward even though we lost him in a physical sense. He was a giant of a man, the screen couldn't contain him. To watch his movies is to only know a piece of him. We felt so fortunate to know the whole guy and we're trying to honor him on this one."

Who do you think the new Black Panther is? Let us know down in the comments below!