Cartoon Network Reveals Tom & Jerry Sneak Peek

Cartoon Network just gave fans a special sneak peek at the upcoming Tom & Jerry movie. Now, this [...]

Cartoon Network just gave fans a special sneak peek at the upcoming Tom & Jerry movie. Now, this project has been on the table for a while now, but it's getting a big release on HBO Max and in theaters on February 26th. The clip sees Michael Pena checking up on the hotel where the film is set. Chloe Grace Moretz has contracted Tom to help with the business' mouse problem. Jerry has been living there for a while and doesn't want to leave. Things escalate when Pena saunters in with his dog on a leash. Due to nature taking its course, it wasn't long before the mouse, the cat, and the canine are at each other's throats. The combined bluster absolutely wrecks the hotel's lobby. People are thrown around and the skylight gets caved in by the cartoon dust-up unfolding all around the business. All Moretz's character can do is watch in horror. Check it out above.

That unpredictable story is well-worn ground for the duo. Especially, as the modern era has made Tom & Jerry branch out a bit when it comes to their movie efforts. Grace Moretz is joined in the cast by Pena, Rob Delaney, Ken Jeong, and Colin Jost.

Tim Story is directing Tom and Jerry. The movie follows an alley cat named Tom who gets hired by a girl named Kayla. This particular young employee works at a glamorous hotel in New York City. She's trying to get rid of Jerry, a mischievous mouse who has overstayed his welcome in the hotel. An important wedding is on the horizon and the staff needs to find a way to prevent the entire thing getting ruined.

"Oh, man, that was so cool," Pena said last year during an interview. "Sometimes, you show up on these movies, and the actor is still trying to find it. I don't know if they're not prepared or whatever, but it happens every so often. But, Chloe Moretz was so on the money… She knew the script, and she was just awesome to go back and forth with. And Tim Story is just a stud. There are some directors who are good indie directors or good dramatic directors, but he's a big movie director. He's meant to be doing big movies. It didn't seem like work when we were on set with the guy. He just wants fun, and fun is what we gave him. You always want to perform for your director, because he's your first audience, and he was really easy to perform for. There's a certain freedom that you want, especially for that kind of family movie. And sometimes, you don't want that freedom. You want there to be a little bit of an edge and a little bit of tension. You can definitely sense that on some films."

Are you excited for Tom & Jerry? Let us know down in the comments!