Jurassic World Star Chris Pratt Weighs in on Returning to Franchise

The actor might not be entirely done with the franchise after all.

The upcoming Jurassic World 4 is reportedly set to serve as a bit of a soft reboot of the concept, as it is reported to be focusing on entirely new characters, though star of the last three films in the series Chris Pratt admitted that he won't entirely rule out a return to the series. Given that it took nearly 30 years to get Jurassic Park stars Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum to reunite on screen for Jurassic World Dominion, even if Pratt doesn't appear in the next entry, it doesn't sound like he's swearing off that world entirely. Jurassic World 4 is set to hit theaters on July 2, 2025.

"Hey, never say never. Maybe. Maybe I return. Maybe I don't. You'll just have to tune in to find out. I know I'll be first in line, whether I'm in it or not," Pratt revealed to CBR when asked if he would return to the series

Interestingly, the first star announced to be joining the next sequel was Pratt's Marvel Cinematic Universe costar Scarlett Johansson. As far as whether she has since reached out to him, Pratt joked, "You know what, she didn't, she hasn't called, but, you know, ScarJo, I'm only one call away. I think [Johansson's husband] Colin [Jost] has my number ... Feel free to reach out. Yeah, that's exciting news. That's real cool."

Ahead of the release of Dominion, the project was billed not only as the ending of the Jurassic World trilogy, but would also serve as the conclusion of the entire Jurassic Park storyline that kicked off in 1993. Little is known about the actual plot of the next chapter, outside of it reportedly focusing on new characters, though Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and The Creator director Gareth Edwards has been enlisted to helm the project.

"I was about to take a break and I started writing my next idea for a film and this is the only movie that would make me drop everything like a stone and dive right in," Edwards previously explained at an event about his involvement in the project. "I love Jurassic Park. I think the first movie is a cinematic masterpiece ... so this opportunity is like a dream to me. And to work with Frank Marshall and Universal and David Koepp, who's writing that script, I think they're all legends. So I'm just very excited."  

Stay tuned for updates on the future of the Jurassic World franchise. Jurassic World 4 is set to hit theaters on July 2, 2025.

Would you like to see Pratt return to the series? Contact Patrick Cavanaugh directly on Twitter or on Instagram to talk all things Star Wars and horror