The New Mutants Concept Artist Reveals New Look at the Demon Bear

Some new concept art from The New Mutants gave fans a brand new look at the Demon Bear. Check out [...]

Some new concept art from The New Mutants gave fans a brand new look at the Demon Bear. Check out Deryl Braun's vision for the creature down below. Now, the scary animal was a big surprise for the movie. But, fans got a taste of the Demon Bear rolling around in some of the promotional footage for the film. It's strange to think that New Mutants hit earlier this year after a long period where social media believed it wouldn't release at all. For fans lucky enough to see it, the movie was an enjoyable feature with mild scares. Disney really didn't want to go the streaming route with the film and did everything possible to get The New Mutants into theaters. Now, Josh Boone's movie will probably get discovered by streamers later on when it hits Disney+ or Hulu.

Fans still wish that the movie could have been worked into the Marvel Cinematic Universe in some way shape or form. But, in a conversation with Den of Geek, Boone actually said that there was no talk of taking his project and introducing the characters into the MCU.

"No, none at all," Boone told Den of Geek when asked if there were creative talks with Feige. "I just really finished the process we'd already gotten kind of 70% of the way through before the merger happened. It was nice to have the retrospect of the year where I was off working on The Stand and doing other things to come back and look at it, because we sat there and did other little things here and there."

"I love Marvel movies, but we were a Fox Marvel movie. So it's like as far as what that means or what it means to them, I don't have any idea," he continued. "We just sort of made the movie we wanted to make at Fox, and we were inherited by Disney. The cast and I would certainly go make another one in a second if we could, and I'd love to see these characters at least carried on in some way because I don't think anybody's got a better young cast."

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