
The Raid Fans Celebrate 10 Year Anniversary of “One of the Best Action Movies Ever”


Today officially marks ten years since the action-thriller The Raid: Redemption was released in movie theaters, and action movies haven’t been the same since. Gareth Evans’ stylized movie told the tale of a squad of cops that must ascend a high rise in pursuit of a ruthless drug lord. Though its premise may sound trite, the film was anything but that, earning praise for its unique fight choreography, intense set pieces, stunt work, camera framing, and its surprisingly personal storyline. With ten years now in the rearview mirror, fans of the film starring Iko Uwais, Joe Taslim, and Yayan Ruhian, have taken to social media to celebrate it.

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Prior to The Raid Uwais and Ruhnian had collabroated with Evans on another film, 2009’s Merantau, which would pave the way for the breakout success of The Raid. After its release the pair would go on to appear in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Beyond Skyline, and The Night Comes For Us, with Ruhnian also appearing in John Wick: Chapter 3 โ€“ Parrabellum and Uwais starring in Snake Eyes. The film was Taslim’s third feature film as an actor, but would lead to him collaborating with director Justin Lin on Fast & Furious 6 and Star Trek Beyond, plus landing the role of Sub-Zero in WB’s Mortal Kombat movie.

Three years after The Raid came its follow-up, the highly anticipated The Raid 2: Berandal. Uwais reprised his part as Rama with Ruhnian returning to play a new character. Evans revealed that he had developed a third film in the series but eventually decided against making it. A live-action, American remake for Netflix is officially in the works with Michael Bay producing.

Still slaps

A great looking film

Not many or any films have come close

One of the best

I never get tired of watching

It’s that good

Top 5 greatest martial arts films ever

Simply fantastic

Hollering with amazement