Uncut Gems Has 7th Most F-Bombs In Film History

Uncut Gems has taken the Internet by storm while the memes and praise roll in. But, the movie has [...]

Uncut Gems has taken the Internet by storm while the memes and praise roll in. But, the movie has already established itself in one less-than distinguished category. Screen It discovered that the film manages to stuff in 408 instances of the F-bomb. With the 135-minute running time of the film, that averages out to about three curses a minute. Pretty impressive for this film, almost as impressive as the fact that the number lands Uncut Gems at number seven of Wikipedia's list of films that most frequently use the word 'f***'. Martin Scorsese comes in just above Uncut Gems with Casino and The Wolf of Wall Street is up there as well. If you're wondering what takes the top spot, that would be Swearnet: The Movie, a Netflix film that manages to use the word a staggering 935 times. That much space in the script is probably hard to handle, but those films managed to make it work. Screen It actually reviews films for parents looking into what their kids should be able to consume and it seems safe to say that kind of language would be enough to disqualify the film from the running right off the bat.

To say that people are in love with this turn from Sandler would be a colossal understatement. Critics and audiences can't get enough of the entire anxiety inducing journey. The Safdie Brothers looks like they could usher in a career renaissance for the beloved actor. Rotten Tomatoes scores were pretty positive upon release and the comedy star is basking in all that positive energy. He talked to the Los Angeles Times about how he felt about the film.

"I feel great that all the hard work we all did is looked at in a positive way," Sandler began. "It's very exciting, it really is. It's exciting for me as a guy who has been doing it a long time to do a different thing, use a different muscle."

"But mostly I am just excited that these guys are getting the recognition they deserve." Sandler added. "They're incredible guys. Hardest working, most focused. And they're so young and they have so much ahead of them."

When it comes to his co-stars, they have all been very complimentary to the star. "It was really Adam, making you comfortable, him having patience with you, him adjusting to you, these were all things I was recognizing." NBA Champion Kevin Garnett said. "I thought I was messing up, he fixed it and it felt like conversation. ... That's greatness, to be able to make somebody else better than when they started."