The season finale of Bob’s Burgers, titled “Wharf II: The Wharfening,” will air tonight on Fox.In “Wharf II: The Wharfening,” it’s Linda and the kids to the rescue when Felix takes desperate measures, and puts Bob and Mr. Fischoeder in danger.The voice cast includes H. Jon Benjamin as Bob; Dan Mintz as Tina; Eugene Mirman as Gene; Larry Murphy as Uncle Teddy; John Roberts as Linda; and Kristen Schaal as Louise.Guest voices include Zach Galifianakis as Felix, Kevin Kline as Mr. Fischoeder; Gary Cole as Sergeant Bosco Jordan Peele as Fanny, Paul F. Tompkins as Pierre and Jenny Slate as Tammy.Bob’s Burgers, “Wharf II: The Wharfening,” airs Sunday, May 18 at 7 PM ET on Fox.
Bob’s Burgers Season 4 Finale: World Wharf II: The Wharfening
The season finale of Bob’s Burgers, titled “Wharf II: The Wharfening,” will air tonight on […]