Comic Book Releases for July 29, 2009

Well kids of all ages, the final days of July are upon us, and as we turn to our final vacations, [...]

Well kids of all ages, the final days of July are upon us, and as we turn to our final vacations, cookouts and day trips before the children head back to school and the final heat waves hit us, it's time to celebrate the last week of this month with some comic book happenings for July 29th, 2009! Mystery, terror and lots more await us! Let's dive right in! Batwoman returns in DC's Detective Comics #855 this month, continuing her quest against new villain Alice. Joining the newest Bat Family member in release this week is Wonder Woman, whose issue 34 features a team-up with Black Canary! The Royal Flush Gang returns to wreak havoc on the JLA in Justice League of America #35, setting up a stunning arc before the team of James Robinson and Mark Bagley take over with issue 38. Before Codename:Patriot kicks off, affecting Superman and his affiliates, Superman #690 drops this week. Will Steel pay the ultimate price in this issue? Read to find out! Calculator seeks revenge against the Teen Titans this week in Teen Titans # 73, as Wonder Girl finds herself in jeopardy during this grab for vengeance!

Marvel's Ultimatum story wraps up in the pages of Ultimatum #5 this week, and the team of Loeb and Finch has promised us a stunning, and complete, conclusion to the events that have rocked the Ultimate universe over the past few months. Dark Reign: The Goblin Legacy takes us back to the early days of the Green Goblin, with a modern recoloring and remastering of the pivotal issues of Amazing Spider-Man, numbers 39 and 40, dealing with the unmasking of the green menace! Fantastic Four #569 wraps up the Master of Doom storyline before a new creative team takes over, and New Avengers #55 sees our team in peril as someone has learned to drain them of their powers!

Image Comics will bring the trades this week, with releases such as PVP Vol. 6, Elephantmen: Damaged Goods, Kaboom Vol. 1, and Dynamo 5 Vol. 3. Proof returns with issue 22, and expect to see Spawn #194 have the Clown working on his machinations once again, as the action continues to build to the 200th issue of one of Image's most well-known characters! Dark Horse's Star Wars books will be hitting shelves this week with Star Wars: Legacy #38, which will continue the Tatooine storyline. Dark Horse fans will also see the release of Citizen Rex #1, a new sci-fi adventure sure to delight readers! Fans of Boom! Kids will see Toy Story: The Mysterious Stranger #3, Finding Nemo: Reef Rescue #2 and The Muppet Show: The Treasure of Peg-Leg Wilson #1 this week. Alongside that will be the Hexed hard cover and a Last Reign: Kings of War trade paperback from Boom! Studios.