Doctor Strange Star Benedict Cumberbatch Surprises Marvel Fans In Hall H Lines

Celebrities walking among fans during San Diego Comic Con or even New York Comic Con is nothing [...]

(Photo: Marvel Studios)

Celebrities walking among fans during San Diego Comic Con or even New York Comic Con is nothing really new but always makes for a cherished moment for those that have braved the longest lines if only for a glimpse of their favorite famous people.

Now usually in a lot of those cases, the stars are in disguise so they can have a certain amount of discretion, but this wasn't the case with the star of the upcoming Doctor Strange Benedict Cumberbatch and the fans who stood in line in the infamous Hall H line.

Dustin Sandoval, the Digital Marketing Director for Disney Studios, caught some of the action over on his Twitter account of Cumberbatch interacting with starstuck fans.

How cool is that? Just comes to show you, you never know who you're going to run into at comics' biggest show of the year. The second Doctor Strange trailer is going to be shown later today and these fans have to be even more hyped now that they've met the Doctor himself.