Exclusive CBLDF Liberty Annual Preview: Brian & Audrey Wood and Terry & Rachel Dodson's Girl Band: In Space

Image Comics have provided ComicBook.com with an exclusive page from the Brian & Audrey Wood and [...]

Image Comics have provided ComicBook.com with an exclusive page from the Brian & Audrey Wood and Terry & Rachel Dodson story, Girl Band: In Space that will appear in CBLDF Liberty Annual 2014, due in stores next month from Image to benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.

The jam issue has become an annual tradition for the free speech charity, gathering dozens of their supporters to provide short stories to publish in an anthology issue to show off some of the best talent in comics and support free speech.

You can check out the Girl Band story page below.

CBLDF Liberty Annual 2014 hits stands on October 8, but the FOC date is Monday, September 15, so pre-order a copy while you can.