Fan Looking To Raise Money To Build Real Life Minas Tirith From Lord Of The Rings

A group of architects has launched crowdfunding campaign to bring a bit of Middle-earth into [...]

A group of architects has launched crowdfunding campaign to bring a bit of Middle-earth into reality. The group is seeking £2 billion to build a life size replica of Minas Tirith, the capital city of Gondor, in southern England.

Assuming the group reaches its goal within the 60 day limit, once complete, fans will be able to live and work in the city. The money raised from the campaign will be used to pay for the purchase of the land, building costs, and labor, with any left over after the project's projected completion date of 2023 being used to pay for maintenance and public services through 2053.

Fans of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings novels, or Peter Jackson's film adaptations, will most likely remember Minas Tirith as the "White City" that the forces of Modor laid siege to in Return of the King.

"We are an ambitious team of architects and structural engineers who are passionate about creating a beautiful, inspirational and fully-functioning replica of Peter Jackson's depiction of Minas Tirith, as seen in his Lord of the Rings films," campaign leader Jonathan Wilson wrote on the IndieGoGo page.

Rewards for donating to the campaign range from a Twitter follow, to having your name on a city street, to being named a lord or lady of the city. After 13 days, the campaign has only raised less than £20,000, so go donate now if you want Minas Tirith to become a reality.