Fantastic Four Reboot: Everything We Know So Far

The new Fantastic Four reboot from Fox is just over two months away. The production of the film [...]


The new Fantastic Four reboot from Fox is just over two months away. The production of the film has been controversial from the word go, but some stunning trailers have gotten the attention of many fans.

But trailers only tell us so much. What do we actually know, or at least think we know, about the movie so far? Let's take a look.

Here's everything we know about Fantastic Four.


Altered Origin Story

In the comics, the Fantastic Four get their powers after a trip into space exposes them to cosmic radiation. In the film, they instead hop over to an alternate dimension, presumed to be the Negative Zone. Exposure to this other world is what ultimately transforms them.

sue and johnny

Johnny and Sue Storm are adopted, instead of biological, siblings

In a slight twist from the comics, Susan Storm (Kate Mara) and Johnny Storm (Michael B. Jordan) will not share a biological connection. The running theory is that Susan Storm is adopted, since both Johnny and Dr. Franklin Storm (Reg E. Cathey) are black, but Fox has been shy about defining the exact nature and circumstances of the Storm family's relationships.

And yes, the Human Torch is black. Get over it. I've already written about how the change will, at worst, have no effect on the film's quality or, ideally, make it even better, and Michael B. Jordan has responded to the criticism personally. Let's move on.



Toby Kebbell is cast as Victor Domashev, the new film's version of Dr. Doom. Again, Fox has been shy about revealing details, but rumor has it that he's an anti-social programmer who uses "Doom" as an online identity.

The trailers seem to suggest that the film will riff on Doom and Reed Richards' (Miles Teller) college friendship by having them both working on the same project, the same project that opens the door to the Negative Zone. The trailers also suggest that, while the Fantastic Four return to Earth with their new gifts, the trip to the Negative Zone physically transforms Domashev into his villainous persona after he is left behind.

mole man

Mole Man

Tim Blake Nelson has been cast as Harvey Elder, the given name of Mole Man. Mole Man is the subterranean ruler with an affinity for monsters who appeared in the very first issue of Fantastic Four.

Nelson/Elder hasn't exactly been given top billing for this film, so don't expect to see Mole Man in action, but this may be setting things up for the future.


There's already a sequel planned.

Fox already has Fantastic Four 2 on their film schedule for June 9, 2017, so expect some dangling plot threads, world building, and hints of things to come.


The Thing does not have pants.

And who needs 'em anyway?

Fantastic Four opens August 7.