Fox's Comic-Con 2015 Panel: The Deadpool, X-Men, And Fantastic Four News We Want

With Marvel Studios staying out of the Hall H game at this year’s Comic-Con International: San [...]

With Marvel Studios staying out of the Hall H game at this year's Comic-Con International: San Diego, the door is wide open for another studio to steal the show.

One studio that could do just that is 20th Century Fox. In addition to rebooting the Fantastic Four franchise this year, Fox will release three X-Men movies in 2016: Deadpool, X-Men: Apocalypse and Gambit.

With all of that on deck, there are plenty of big moments that the studio could deliver during their panel. Here's some we think are possible and that we'd like to see.

A scene from Fantastic Four

With all of the early buzz around next year's Deadpool and X-Men: Apocalypse already, it could be easy to overlook Fox's Fantastic Four. With its release coming in August, Comic-Con will be Fox's best chance to give the reboot film a big push before it opens. It's possible the cast will be on hand, and we hope to see an actual scene from the movie.

First official Deadpool movie footage

Deadpool is a project that was jumpstarted by leaked test footage. Wouldn't be perfect if Fox, possibly with Ryan Reynolds in attendance, showed a polished, final film version of the scene from the test footage? Whether it's that particular footage or not, we're hoping to see something of the film in action.

Apocalypse reveal.

X-Men: Apocalypse has been in production for a while now, but we know that Oscar Isaac only began shooting his scenes as the titular villain recently. While it's probably too early to see him in action, we're hoping to at least get a look at Isaac in costume and full makeup as En Sabah Nur.

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman's days as Wolverine are numbered, so want to see him make as many Comic-Con appearances as possible before he hangs up his claws. Reports have seemingly confirmed that Jackman is appearing in Apocalypse, but the studio has remained silent on the matter. An official confirmation at Comic-Con would be a great surprise.

A tease of things to come.

As fans, we're always looking forward to what's coming next. Fox has a lot of plans in the air right now and, even with everything coming out in 2016, it would be nice to get a little more information one what else is in the works. We're thinking title announcement for Jackman's final Wolverine movie would be perfect, especially if the Old Man Logan rumors are true.

Comic-Con International: San Diego takes place July 9-12 at the San Diego Convention Center.

Check out when Fantastic Four, Deadpool, X-Men: Apocalypse and other movies are coming out's Movie Release Schedule.