Here Comes Baby Daredevil...The Toddler Without Fear!

Move over, Matt Murdock. There's a new protector in Hell's Kitchen, who uses not violence, but [...]

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Move over, Matt Murdock. There's a new protector in Hell's Kitchen, who uses not violence, but cuteness to halt the forces of evil

City Light Studio Sector C, a cosplay photography studio, has released a batch of images featuring a toddler, 3 year-old Parker, dressed in Matt Murdock's black vigilante garb from the Netflix series. Needless to say, you don't need radar sense to know just how adorable the Tot without Fear looks. 

Protecting the friendly streets of modern-day Hell's Kitchen from runaway strollers and overpriced latte's, Parker is exactly the type of Defender that the city needs. 

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Does Lil' Daredevil blind you with cuteness? Sound off in the comments below.