Kit Harington Felt Like He Was Betraying Game of Thrones Cast

SPOILERS For Game of Thrones Season 6 AheadKit Harington actually told his fellow Game of Thrones [...]

Jon Snow
(Photo: HBO)

SPOILERS For Game of Thrones Season 6 Ahead

Kit Harington actually told his fellow Game of Thrones castmembers and crew goodbye. When he wrapped season 5 of the show, with his character Jon Snow's apparent death, he had to pretend like that was it for him - even though he knew it wasn't, his castmates didn't know the truth. For once, it wasn't Jon Snow who knew nothing!

"At first I though I would find it fun. This will be a fun game," Harington told EW. "But I had to lie to a lot of close friends and cast members and crew. The longer it went, the more I felt like I was betraying them. So I did end up letting people in, slowly."

He said that some of them weren't buying it, as Liam Cunningham told him to "f**k off," but others were very emotional, as Sophie Turner wrote him "a really long letter about how much she loved working with [him]."

Most of the cast knew when the scripts started coming in, or at least thought they knew. Now, we all know the truth.