Marvel Studios Announces Five New Movie Release Dates

With less than a week before 2014 San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel Studios has made a surprise [...]

Marvel Studios

With less than a week before 2014 San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel Studios has made a surprise announcement. While one might expect Marvel Studios to save something like this until their panel at Comic-Con, the company announced today five new release dates for future movies.

Even though Marvel Studios did not announce any new titles for movies, they announced they will be releasing films on July 28 and November 3, 2017; July 6 and November 2, 2018; and May 3, 2019.

These five new mystery movies join two other mystery movies scheduled for release on July 8, 2016 and May 5, 2017. Captain America 3 is also scheduled for release in 2016 on May 6.

Why Marvel Studios decided to break the news before Comic-Con is unknown. Perhaps, they got wind that Warner Bros. might be announcing a bunch of dates for DC Comics films, and they wanted to lay first claim to the dates they wanted.