Peggy Gets Her Own Tricked Out Car In Latest Agent Carter Sneak Preview

Marvel has released 'The Next Big Thing' promo for Season 2 of Agent Carter.Yeah, James Bond has [...]


Marvel has released "The Next Big Thing" promo for Season 2 of Agent Carter.

Yeah, James Bond has had many gadget-filled cars that could fire missiles and whatnot, and even Phil Coulson has his flying car named Lola, but do either one of them have a car that comes equipped with a champagne bottle and glasses? Nope, didn't think so! Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) does! Now she just needs to figure out which button works the stereo.

Check it out in the video below.

Marvel's Agent Carter returns for a second season of adventure and intrigue, starring Hayley Atwell in the titular role of the unstoppable agent for the SSR (Strategic Scientific Reserve). Dedicated to the fight against new Atomic Age threats in the wake of World War II, Peggy must now journey from New York City to Los Angeles for her most dangerous assignment yet. But even as she discovers new friends, a new home – and perhaps even a new love – she's about to find out that the bright lights of the post-war Hollywood mask a more sinister threat to everyone she is sworn to protect.

Season 2 of Marvel's Agent Carter will premiere Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at 9pm on ABC.