Pokemon GO Releases First Update To Game

A day after some iPhone users discovered Pokemon GO had full access to their Google accounts, [...]

Pokemon GO

A day after some iPhone users discovered Pokemon GO had full access to their Google accounts, Niantic Labs has released a new update that corrects that issue and several log-in problems. Pokemon GO iOS Version 1.0.1 lowers the app's Google permissions from full access to basic account info. Although Niantic confirmed yesterday evening that the app had not been used to view or modify emails, contacts or other sensitive issues, the new update will now allow the game to only view your basic Google profile info and email address.

The app also corrects some other frustrating issues, including logging in via a Pokemon Trainer Club account. The new update adds additional stability to the Pokemon Trainers Club log-in process, which means players with Trainers Club accounts might actually be able to log in. The update also resolved an issue in which players had to repeatedly enter their user name and passwords after a force log-out, such as when the servers went down.

Several bugs and crashes were also fixed, including the frustrating "1 HP Gym" bug. Some players discovered that the game had a glitch while attacking gyms, in which defending Pokemon would get stuck at 1 HP. This meant the attacking players couldn't finish the Pokemon off and take the gym for themselves. Other crash issues have also supposedly been resolved, making for a much smoother process.

We'll see if the new update will cause Pokemon GO to run a bit smoother and perhaps end the frequent server crashes that have plagued the game during its first week.

Pokemon GO is currently out in the United States, Australia and New Zealand.