
Pokemon GO Spoof Teases Elderly Confused By The App’s Popularity

Sometimes, generation gaps can be hard to overcome. After Pokemon GO was released, more than a few […]

(Photo: Clayton Chowaniec)

Sometimes, generation gaps can be hard to overcome. After Pokemon GO was released, more than a few millennials have been forced to explain – and reexplain – the app’s appeal to older folks such as their grandparents. Many of these elderly bystanders just don’t understand the game’s appeal, which is understandable really. They weren’t part of the Pokemon boom back in the ’90s. And, because they’re unfamiliar with the brand, some elderly people have hilariously reactions to the app.

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And, now, one indie game developer has taken those folk’s confusion and based a Pokemon GO spoof on it.

Clayton Chowaniec,an artist and game creator, made an amazingly little game called “That Pokeyman Thing Your Grandkids Are Into.” No, really, that’s what it’s called. The game follows players as they control a confused grandfather on the hunt for his missing grandson. Saddled with one of his progeny’s many phones, the grandfather must catch these darned ‘Pokeymans’ to level-up and locate his grandson. If he should fail, the grandfather faces a terrifying consequence: he’ll be sent to an awful nursing home by his daughter.

Filled with LOL-worthy references and witty quips, Clayton’s game embodies the phrase, “You kids get off my lawn!” His game’s style is very reminiscent of original Pokemon titles given its face-down RPG aesthetic, and you can go play the browser game for free now. And, really, you should do so if not only for the project’s dialogue.

The elderly characters have plenty of memorable lines, but I’ve compiled a few of my favorites for you guys below:

“Feh! This ‘POKEYMAN’ sounds like a waste of time. I mean, a telephone with a screen? Talk about a fad! Can’t we just play a nice game of shuffleboard instead?

“Wait, what is WASD? Why did I just say that? Am I having another stroke? Ohh, I picked the wrong day to forget to take my medsโ€ฆ”

“What is “POKEYMAN?” When two people find a POKEYMANโ€ฆis there violence? Is there murder?”

So, if you’re interested in playing this lovely old man, go right on ahead. Cherish the time you’ll spend catching creatures like Peekachorp, A Bug On My Screen, Fish On Land (Why), and Worst Bat. By the time you finish, you’ll surely be sporting a walking cane and have an unusual fondness for Barry Manilow.