Power Rangers Crashed This Couple's Wedding

Power Ranges-themed parties usually are reserved for kids, so when an assortment of Rangers showed [...]


Power Ranges-themed parties usually are reserved for kids, so when an assortment of Rangers showed up at groom and bride, Ameerul and Nawwal's wedding, things suddenly became very interesting for the guests.

The various Power Rangers were part of the cosplay group Team Tokusatsu Malaysia, who turned out to help out the groom, who's also a member according to Malaysia's The Rakyat Post. The Power Rangers took their role seriously as they accompanied the bride and groom into the reception area, standing guard over them in case of an attack from space villains.


Fazuanizam Ahmad Fauzi, the owner of the venue, Simpol: The Garden of Love said that it was a definite first for the place, but had a great time. "We always suggest for couples planning to celebrate their wedding at our place to try something different, and this newlyweds definitely did."


Of course he wasn't the only one thrilled to see the galactic sentinels. "The children loved it. They were so excited and they were not alone. Some of the adults were also attracted to the whole concept, posing for photographs with the superheroes," said Fauzi.

This is simply morphinominal!