The Dark Knight Rises: Wayne Vehicles On the Open Market

Three newly-reprinted still images from The Dark Knight Rises paint a picture that perhaps Earle, [...]

Three newly-reprinted still images from The Dark Knight Rises paint a picture that perhaps Earle, the corrupt Waynetech executive played by Rutger Hauer in Batman Begins, may have taken a little something with him on the way out the door after Bruce let him go. Or something like that, anyway. All three photos posted earlier today by, while purported to have been taken by fans and released in August, are united by a common feature: feature Bruce's tumbler or motorcycle, although in neither case is it the bat-variety. Catwoman seems to have her own personal bat-style-cycle, while there's a tumbler that's still got its desert camouflage colors, just as it did the first time we saw it in Batman Begins. In terms of plot, there are a couple of things at play. If long-standing rumors that The Dark Knight Rises is an adaptation of Knightfall turn out to be true, these may have been appropriated from the Batcave while Bruce was unable to stop them. If No Man's Land is indeed a part of the story, the rumored "earthquake machine" could create a scenario where the tumbler--built for the military to cross rivers and gulches without the aid of bridges--could be very useful. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]