X-Men's Hugh Jackman Reveals Second Skin Cancer Operation

ComicBook.com previously reported that Hugh Jackaman, star of The Wolverine and X-Men: Days of [...]

Hugh Jackman as WolverineComicBook.com previously reported

that Hugh Jackaman, star of The Wolverine and X-Men: Days of Future Past, had been treated for skin cancer to remove a basal-cell carcinoma from his nose. It seems the actor needed further treatment and received a second surgery to remove a second basal-cell carcinoma from his nose. As with the first incident, Jackman is using his own illness to try to raise cancer awareness by posting a photo to Instagram of himself post-surgery and reminding everyone to wear sunscreen. "Another Basel Cell Carsinoma," said Jackman in the post. "All out now. Thanks Dr. Albom and Dr. Arian. PLEASE! PLEASE! WEAR SUNSCREEN!" Basal-cell carcinoma is a common form of skin cancer that rarely proves fatal but is malignant and can cause serious disfigurement if allowed to progress unchecked. Jackman only discovered the cancer thanks to his wife prodding him to have the mark on his nose checked. Jackman encourages everyone to be less stubborn and more willing to be checked than he initially was.