Tonight’s episode of Game of Thrones, “Blood of My Blood,” revealed the answer to one of the mysteries that has plagued A Song of Ice and Fire for years. The episode didn’t just confirm the identity of the mysterious, fan favorite character called Coldhands, it also revealed the unique character’s origin.
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First, a little backstory on how Coldhands is introduced in A Storm of Swords. The sequence of events from Season 3 of Game of Thrones, in which Samwell Tarly kills a White Walker and then encounters Bran’s traveling party, occurredquite differently in George R.R. Martin’s novel. In the book, Sam and Gilly are rescued Coldhands, so named because his hands are black and cold like a wight or a White Walker. Coldhands doesn’t breathe and keeps his face covered with a scarf, but wears the cloak of a ranger of the Night’s Watch and refers to Sam as “brother,” suggesting a connection to the Watch. Coldhands escorts Sam and Gilly back to the Wall and tells them to send out Bran’s party out to meet him, though he doesn’t explain how he knew Bran’s party would be there. Coldhands himself cannot approach the Wall because of the magic wards placed on it. Coldhands presumably learned of Bran’s location from the Three-Eyed Raven because he leads Bran’s party to the Raven’s cave. Coldhands cannot enter the cave himself, apparently kept out by the same magic that protects the cave from the White Walkers. Instead, Coldhands keeps watch outside of the cave, defending it from wights.
“Blood of My Blood” confirmed the longstanding fan theory that Coldhands is actually Benjen Stark. Fans may remember that Benjen went out ranging beyond the wall in Season 1 of Game of Thrones, searching for members of the Watch who had gone missing. He never returned, though the bodies of the two rangers who accompanied him returned on their horses. These events prompted the Great Ranging that lead Lord Commander Mormont to Craster’s Keep, where he was killed in a mutiny. Benjen’s fate has remained a mystery until now.
What may be more interesting than the reveal of who Coldhands is is the reveal of what Coldhands is. Benjen explains to Bran and Meera that he was set upon by White Walkers who attempted to turn him into one of them. The Children of the Forest found Benjen and managed to prevent the process from completely taking hold by plunging a shard of dragonglass into Benjen’s heart. This explains why Coldhands, seemingly more White Walker than man, has allied himself with the world of men.
Game of Thrones airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.