Larry David Might Be Returning To Curb Your Enthusiasm

about a month ago. He starts out with his little ehhhhhh, you know, he always does that. Ehhhh, [...]

CYE Smoove
(Photo: HBO)

While Larry David has accomplished many things, one of his biggest achievements is his beloved HBO show Curb Your Enthusiasm.

While the show hasn't received a new episode since season 8 came to a close in 2011, fans have often requested another season. Even though it hasn't happened yet, David himself has admitted in the past he would like to get back around to it someday, even saying he already has a notebook full of ideas for a possible season 9.

Now that season might be a little closer to actually happening, courtesy of a conversation with Curb actor J.B. Smoove. Smoove appeared on Rich Eisen's show (via The Big Lead) and gave an update on the project, which came about as part of Smoove's biweekly check-in on David.

"Let me tell you something, man. I call Larry every two weeks...and I check on him...because he's old. You know, he's busy, he's a busy man, but I always check on older people. You know, no offense Larry. So I check on Larry, make sure he's good, I've seen him on SNL a lot...make sure he didn't overexert himself, make sure he's good. I check on him every two weeks. So I call Larry like two weeks ago. I say hey Larry man, I just talk about regular stuff with him, ya know, it's not always Curb stuff, but this time, aha. This time, he brings up Curb Your Enthusiasm. I don't ever bring it up. He brought it up this time. (This was) about a month ago. He starts out with his little ehhhhhh, you know, he always does that. Ehhhh, you know, I'm thinking about coming back."

While it isn't a definite "yes it's happening", Smoove thinks the project is in a good place, adding: "But see, that's great because he has not said no, which puts us in a great position. That means it's still going, and if Larry does not say no, there's a possibility he may say yes."

When Eisen asked if he would want to be involved in the project if it happened, Smoove added one more piece of the conversation, saying: "He went the extra, he said: Ehhhh, if I do come back you gonna be available? I said you know something Larry, I will be available. Just call me, give me early notice, and I'll be there. I'll move anything I'm doing to the side for Curb Your Enthusiasm, which will be a fabulous thing to do."

Hopefully, this results in a new season for the Curb faithful sooner rather than later.