Power Rangers

Rita Returns And Sheeple Attacks In ‘Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ #23 Preview

What’s worse than a crazed conspiracist sheep? Oh yeah, a conspiracist sheep that can turn humans […]

What’s worse than a crazed conspiracist sheep? Oh yeah, a conspiracist sheep that can turn humans into a horde of murder sheep.

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Hmmm, murder sheep. Think that should get a trademark. In any case, fans will meet Finster’s latest victim, a tin foil hat wearing human who has now turned into a crazed Sheep monster named…wait for it…Sheeple. Yep, and he attacks people with wool!

Amazing right? It’s like if Lamb Chop wore a VR Headset and made evil demented Lamb Chops. Actually, that’s a disturbing visual, so apologies for bringing that up.

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Crazily enough though that isn’t the only thing contained in the newest preview for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #23. Rita Repulsa finally returns to her destroyed Moon Palace to pick up the pieces and plot her next attack on the Power Rangers, with Squatt and Baboo along for the ride.

As fans will remember, the trio has been traveling together since the Dragonzord destroyed her base of operations. In previous issues, they encountered the Wizard of Deception, who took their job offer to create a powerful spell. Exactly what that spell is or does remains unknown, but odds are it pertains to a certain Green Ranger Tommy Oliver. Rita didn’t exactly take his betrayal lightly.

Now the trio is back from the long journey, and they are ready to bring their resident monster creator Finster back into the fold. Time will tell if he’s as interested in returning to his previous work, as he’s received a taste of what he can accomplish outside of Rita’s control.

You can find the preview of the new issue in the gallery, and the official description can be found below.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #23
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Kyle Higgins
Artist: Hendry Prasetya
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: Jamal Campbell
Connecting Variant Cover: Steve Morris
Variant Cover: Dan Mora
Action Figure Variant Cover: Quest
Price: $3.99
Synopsis: The Rangers discover just how far their new allies are willing to go against Rita.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #23 is in comic shops on January 17.