Renegade recently revealed its new Power Rangers themed board game Heroes of the Grid, and we’ve got some new photos of the impressive miniatures straight from Gen Con.
Videos by’s Christian Hoffer is on hand at Gen Con to capture some up-close images of the minis from the new game, and Renegade really came through on the sculpts and paint applications. As you can see, fans will have access to the original five Mighty Morphin Rangers as well as the group’s sixth Ranger Tommy, and each Ranger will sport their trademark weapon.
Jason’s got his Power Sword, while Zack has his Power Axe, Trini has her Power Daggers, Kimberly has her Power Bow, Billy has his Power Lance, and Tommy holds his Dragon Dagger. The photos also show off the unpainted sculpts, giving you a nice idea of how much detail each one will have. They’re all quite good, so we imagine there will be a few painters out there who are dying to give the minis a custom paint job.

We also get a great look at some of the game’s villains minis, including a stellar looking Goldar, Madame Woe (complete with creepy hands), and Commander Crayfish, who looks way more intimidating than he did on the original show. You can also spot Pudgy Pig, who looks as disturbing and delightful as he did on the show, and another photo shows off Pumpkin Rapper (i.e. Kyle Higgins) and a Putty Patroller.

Most surprisingly though is the debut of Lord Zedd, who can be seen in the very first photo alongside the Rangers. Zedd holds his powerful staff to his side and clenches his fist, and the sculpt looks fantastic. We didn’t spot Rita or the HyperForce Rangers, but we’ll keep you updated when those are revealed.

You can check out all the photos in the gallery.
For those unfamiliar with Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid, the game is a 2 to 5 player cooperative experience designed by Jonathan Ying (Star Wars: Imperial Assault) and based on artwork from Go Go Power Rangers’ Dan Mora. The game will task players with defending Angel Grove from Rita’s evil forces, and players will encounter plenty of fan-favorite villains and scenarios during the campaign.
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Fans can get their first taste of the game at Power Morphicon, so if you’re attending make sure to stop by Renegade’s booth to learn how to play the game.
The core game will be coming to Kickstarter on August 14th and is aiming to release around Spring of 2019.