Someone Put Baby Yoda's Head on Hulks Body and We Can Not Unsee This

Since Baby Yoda's debut last fall in Star Wars: The Mandalorian, the adorable little creature has [...]

Since Baby Yoda's debut last fall in Star Wars: The Mandalorian, the adorable little creature has captivated the imagination. There have been endless GIFs, memes, epic fan art creations including hand-crafted Baby Yoda dolls (official ones are on the way this spring,) and even an incredible, piece of edible art in the form of a pie you have to see to believe. There's been just so much inspired cute. Now, though, someone's taken the beloved Baby Yoda down a different path by photoshopping the fan-favorite Star Wars character onto Hulk's body and...let the nightmares begin.

Over on Twitter, Yashar Ali shared the curious piece of mash-up art. Ali's caption for the curious creation pretty much says it all: "I'm sorry. Don't yell at me." You can check out this truly striking combination in the Tweet below.

We can't unsee this. We really can't. The disturbing thing here is that it works almost too well on some level even if it is mildly horrifying. It's almost too bad Baby Yoda wasn't quite this swole when stormtroopers punched the little guy during the season finale of Star Wars: The Mandalorian.

When it comes to the real Baby Yoda, the puppet used to bring the character is one that Adam Pally who, along with Jason Sudeikis played the stormtroopers who punched Baby Yoda, revealed that the puppet cost a lot of money to produce.

"I remember the first take that I did when I punched it…," Pally said at the TCA Winter Press Tour event. "They called 'cut' and Jon, who was watching on a monitor in his office, came down and said, 'I just want to let you know that this is the hero [expensive puppet] and it costs, like, $5 million. I want you to hit it, but I want you to know that.'"

Pally explained that this revelation made him so nervous, he missed in his punches on the puppet for the next three takes of filming.

Star Wars: The Mandalorian is now streaming on Disney+. A second season of the series is in the works and is expected to debut in the fall.

What do you think of this Hulk/Baby Yoda mashup? Let us know in the comments below.