Luke Skywalker and Doctor Aphra Team-Up in New Star Wars Crossover
The Star Wars comics are colliding again this summer, as the flagship Star Wars by Jason Aaron [...]
The Star Wars comics are colliding again this summer, as the flagship Star Wars by Jason Aaron clashes with Doctor Aphra by Kieron Gillen for a surprising team-up: Luke Skywalker and Aphra. The story will spin-out of Doctor Aphra, and get its own one-shot to kick things off in Star Wars: Screaming Citadel #1. Then there will be two parts each in the ongoing series.
"It starts with them venturing into a very dark and scary situation on a faraway alien planet and winding up in the clutches of a sinister alien queen. There's symbiotes involved. There are Aphra's two murderous droids and best-friend Wookiee, and then, of course, the cast of my book. Han and Leia and Sana Starros come running into the fray, as well, and there are several new villains who are at play," Jason Aaron teased to
Aphra and Sana have a past that's been teased, so the pair coming back together as well should intrigue fans. Gillen is also taking point on this particular story, whereas Aaron largely took the lead on their last crossover, "Vader Down."
"Writing the entirety of the first issue is hilarious. [Laughs] They have such different life experiences," Gillen said. "You know, she's a little older than he is, he's still naive and she's a cynical monster. And they go back and forth and they tease each other and, occasionally, they push each other's buttons. But there's an underlying similarity."
The story will fall into territory that Star Wars doesn't explore very often: Gothic Horror.
"Let's doe a horror story with this level of gothic fantasy to it," Gillen suggested. "In terms of the horror aspects of the book, which I'm being a bit sheepish around, it's like, "How can get something that feels like that, but then also, definitely, is not just doing that in Star Wars." It's sort of like Aphra with the Indiana Jones influence. It's like, "Yeah, I can see what this is like, but it's also not like that." If the work isn't transformational, it's pointless doing."
For Aaron, it comes back to making these characters part of the Star Wars family that continues to excite him.
"It's a huge thrill and a very surreal experience for me just to be writing these characters in the first place. It still feels weird when I get to sit down and put words in the mouth of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo and come up with beeps and boops for R2-D2. So yeah, being able to create some new characters [is great], and there are brand new characters appearing for the first time in this arc, too. And again, part of it is taking these existing characters that we've followed for so long and seen on so many different adventures and putting them into a story that's very different from what we've seen before. All of that is really fun and, I think, really important just to keep these books fresh and exciting."
Star Wars: Screaming Citadel kicks off in May 2017. Check out the full interview for more on
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