'Star Wars: Episode IX' Fan Theory Title Starts Speculation

There’s some hot gossip on Reddit today and it has Star Wars fans quaking!According to a post by [...]

There's some hot gossip on Reddit today and it has Star Wars fans quaking!

According to a post by Garrett Thomas, he knows the name of the final installment of the current Star Wars trilogy. While there's no guarantee this is real, the speculation is that Episode IX is going to be called… drum roll… SON OF DARKNESS.

The tease, which was posted earlier today on the starwarsspeculation subreddit, has many people dissecting what this potential title could mean.

"By a somewhat credible source," writes Thomas, "By that I mean he's batting about .700." He doesn't name his source, but he does stand by the person, saying "He gives me good things mostly, and he gives me bad. But this time I trust him."

Thomas points out that he has "no reason to lie," especially since his real name is attached to the post (which is fairly uncommon on Reddit).

"I know there's lots of these posts," he adds, "If he's right, this should be public knowledge by Christmas. If he's wrong, it's another strike in his record."

One user, lowlevel0wl, points out that Snoke refers to Kylo Ren as "son of Darkness" in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. This has some people thinking the title might be real, especially since Kylo Ren is such an integral character and one of the last remaining in the Skywalker-Solo line.

Others speculate that if this title is true, it's actually referring to Luke Skywalker, who is more of a son of darkness than Kylo, who had very lovely parents. Either way, most people think the title, if real, has some kind of double meaning.

While some people like the name, others are hoping it's not true. However, no one in the comments seem to be flying off the handle, which is hopefully a positive sign of things to come in the Star Wars fandom.

While Son of Darkness could be a cool title, some feel something that focuses on Rey's character would be a little more fitting. Similarly, people think it's more likely the film will take a positive spin, focusing more on the Light side of the Force rather than the Dark.

One theory even suggests the title could be referring to a Reylo baby, but that definitely seems far-fetched. While some of us have a weak spot for Rey and Kylo, it would take a whole lot of movie to get them from their current state to having a child together.

So, what are your thoughts on Son of Darkness being the potential new Star Wars title? Tell us in the comments or send your thoughts to @jamiecinematics on Twitter.

No matter the title, Episode IX will be hitting theaters on December 20, 2019.