Despite the untimely demise of the Star Wars: The Acolyte series on Disney+, Hasbro continues to launch Black Series figures inspired by the show. Of course, they couldn’t possibly shut things down without delivering the Darth Teeth / Qimir / The Stranger Black Series figure that everyone wants, especially after the success of the helmet replica that launched earlier this year. Unfortunately, we’ll have to wait a little longer for that figure, but the wait for a figure based on the Wookiee Jedi Master Kenacca is about to end.
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Indeed, a Black Series figure inspired by the first Wookiee Jedi ever seen in live-action is set to arrive on December 4th at 10am PT / 1pm ET here at Entertainment Earth and here on Amazon priced at $33.99 (UPDATE: Direct links added). The figure will come with a soft goods robe and a lightsaber. While you’re at it, you might want to check out Disney’s new lightsaber hilt replica, which is inspired by the Wookiee Jedi Gungi from Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: The Bad Batch.
Note that the Jedi Master Kelnacca Black Series figure is part of Lucasfilm’s Gift the Galaxy promotion, which will see new Star Wars-themed releases each week through December 17th. Stay tuned to the Comicbook Hasbro page for additional updates on Star Wars Black Series and The Vintage Collection releases tied to the event. Who knows? maybe The Strange figure isn’t far off.
In other Gift the Galaxy news, Mark your calendar for December 5th as Columbia will release a new 16-piece Streetwear-inspired collection for 2024 combines a Darth Vader Dark Side asthetic with Columbiaโs proprietary tech for comfort and protection against the elements.
Some of the key pieces in the collection include the Darth Vader Interchange Jacket (which comes in a standard and extremely limited edition Hayden Christensen autographed version), the Vader Parka, and the Vader crossbody bag. There will even be a boot in this collection, which is a first for Columbiaโs Star Wars lineup. A breakdown of each of these pieces and where to find them is available right here.