Star Wars: Lucasfilm President Promises 'Knights of the Old Republic' Projects Are Being Explored

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is going to bring an end to the nine-film Skywalker saga, leaving [...]

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is going to bring an end to the nine-film Skywalker saga, leaving fans wondering what the franchise's future will bring. There have been several different movies discussed as being in development at Lucasfilm, and now we have new word that one series fans have been waiting to onscreen for decades may be truly moving forward.

Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy was recently speaking to MTV's Josh Horowitz, when she confirmed that the studio is indeed "looking at" a possible adaptation of the popular Knight of the Old Republic series.

When asked specifically if there is any movement on a Knights of the Old Republic project, Kennedy said the following:

"You Know, we talk about that all the time. Yes, we are developing something to look at. Right now I have no idea where thing might fall..."

Before you go cheering that this is an official confirmation that a Knights of the Old Republic movie trilogy or TV series is coming (like Horowitz did later on social media), let's just acknowledge the measured words that Kathleen Kennedy chooses. First is the fact that she says "we are developing something to look at," which sounds more like Lucasfilm is putting together early concept tests of KOTOR, which could take any form (movie, show, etc.) and a far away from greenlighting something for active development and production.

Secondly, this was all said in the larger context that the studio is solely focused on getting The Rise of Skywalker out and bringing the Skywalker Saga to a close, right now. It's already been made clear that the franchise will be taking a hiatus after Episode IX, and earlier in this same conversation Kenneday says that Lucasfilm will be meeting with the already-revealed creative teams of Last Jedi director Rian Johnson and Game of Thrones showrunners D.B. Weiss and David Benioff, to plan out the next ten years of Star Wars. Until that happens, no new project can be officially "confirmed" at all.

Still, for many Star Wars fans Knights of the Old Republic is a dream just waiting to come true, and this quote from Kennedy will give them (wait for it...) new hope to hold onto.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters on December 20th.


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