Tonight’s episode of Star Wars Rebels takes the crew back to Concord Dawn, thanks to an unfortunate set of circumstances. Spoilers ahead.
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The episode kicks off with Fen Rau and Sabine Wren playing some form of Mandalorian Chess that involves knives and stabbing, naturally, as she tries to get him to join the Rebel Alliance. Rau and Sabine’s conversation doesn’t go great, as Fenn Rau tries again to get her to set him free and be loyal to Mandalore.
There’s something wrong with the Rebel Alliance’s safe passage deal with the Protectors of Concord Dawn, everyone is told. Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper are dispatched on a mission to the blown up planet with Fenn Rau in tow.
Of course, when they see the half-exploded Concord Dawn, Ezra gets distracted, and they get jumped by Rau. He binds them and takes their weapons. When they awaken, though, they’ve landed, and he is standing despondent watching carnage – his men were ambushed and all of them slaughtered.
Rau thinks that a rival clan attacked the Protectors, but Sabine says it doesn’t make any sense. When an Imperial probe droid signals their location, the Empire comes… in the form of a Mandalorian squad. “Traitors – Mandalorians who serve the Empire,” Rau says.
The squad patrols, and Ezra manages to draw their attention, while Sabine and Fenn escape to go plan what to do next.
Gar Saxon is the “Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore,” and leader of this little squad. He interrogates Ezra, who says he’s a scavenger working with Hondo Ohnaka’s crew. “Look, sir, i didn’t even know Mandalore was part of the Empire.”
Saxon is Clan Viszla like Sabine, Fenn reveals. He wanted to be the new leader of hte Mandalorians, and was blocked; that led to his deal with the Empire.
Ezra tries again, telling Saxon that he’s Lando Calrissian – it doesn’t work. Finally Ezra says that Fenn Rau, The Protector sent him.
Fenn Rau and Sabine finally find some common ground to work together, and start taking out the Mandos. Sabine gets a jetpack from one of them “I’ve been wanting one of these.” When Saxon gets fed up with Ezra, he starts trying to shoot Chopper, and Ezra uses the Force to move his blasts away – something Saxon notices immediately. Sabine manages to rescue Ezra and Chopper for a moment, but when Fenn leaves with their ship, they’re soon surrounded again by the Super Commandos.
After a talk (and a hint at Sabine’s family ties, including her mother joining the Empire), Sabine and Chopper team up to send a frequency feedback signal into their helmets. She grabs Ezra and they fly away, leading to a heck of a chase scene. “Make it quick Chop, her evil cousins are coming!” Ezra says. Sabine holds him by one arm as he deflects blaster fire with his lightsaber and Chopper scans for a ship. Ezra jumps onto the back of a Mando and cuts his jetpack, and Sabine catches him again. She slows down their pursuers with a couple charges, but they keep coming. Ezra gets dropped, but Chopper grabs him, and he kind of surf-rides him.
Unfortunately, their flying is no match for Saxon and one of his Commandos. They’re about to take Ezra and Sabine down once and for all, when Fenn Rau finally comes back for them, and gives them some cover fire. Sabine and Saxon go one-on-one in a family squabble, and she manages to take out his jetpack. They continue to battle to a standstill, and she flies off to get to the (new) Phantom. He blasts her jetpack, but Ezra catches her, and pulls her up (and close…).
Fenn Rau realized that Sabine “hasn’t forgotten our ways.” Ezra notes that “Mandalorians are crazy,” and Fenn Rau says, “Crazy enough to join you.” Boom, they have another Mandalorian on their side… just too bad he couldn’t have chosen to do that when he still had the Protectors of Concord Dawn on his crew. Dang. Thus ends another stellar episode for this season of Star Wars Rebels.
Next week, more Ezra and Sabine action – is romance in the air?
“Iron Squadron” – Ezra and Sabine join forces to subdue a young ace pilot and his crew, who are foolishly risking their lives. That is the only way they can defend their home.