Watch Kevin Smith React To Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Final Trailer

The beginning of this week belonged to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and the Winter is looking [...]

The beginning of this week belonged to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and the Winter is looking like it will as well. So many fans delighted at the final trailer for the film, and filmmaker Kevin Smith was right there with them. Smith posted a video of his reaction to the trailer on his personal YouTube channel and couldn't contain his excitement. So much happens in the trailer that it can be hard to keep track of all the scenes blowing by on-screen. Despite that blistering pace, Smith decided to go through it like three or four times to get as much as he could out of it. This trilogy has been centered on the ways in which the past echoes through history and this trailer does a little bit of that. One particular inclusion that piqued the director's interest.

Smith immediately keyed in on the first few moments of the trailer that feature Rey running through some foliage as a helmet falls alongside her as she rips through the trees. He says that it looks like the helmet that Luke Skywalker was using to train in the original trilogy. Blast shield and all, but the ball specifically there to evoke those earlier films. Nothing has been confirmed yet, but that would be an interesting detail to include.

The rush for tickets during the trailer on ESPN's Monday Night Football was so substantial that many fans had some trouble trying to get their orders through earlier. Some retailers reported that demand was almost at record highs as fans flocked to other markets to save their seats after some of the more common avenues couldn't handle the rush. But, now that it is out, all anyone can ask is how the trilogy will end now that all the trailers are here. Emperor Palpatine was the biggest surprise of the trailer. Director J.J. Abrams knew he would have to address that at some point and made sure to clear the air about his intent in a recent interview.

"Some people feel like we shouldn't revisit the idea of Palpatine, and I completely understand that," Abrams explained to Empire Magazine. "But if you're looking at the nine films as one story, I don't know many books where the last few chapters have nothing to do with those that have come before. If you look at the first eight films, all the set-ups of what we're in IX are there in plain view."

Fan expectations are through the roof for the trilogy's conclusion. Abrams hears all of that, but he knows he can't get caught up in worrying about perceptions.

"It's been a gift to work with these people again. To get to deal with these characters again. I didn't think that was going to happen for me... This ending, which is such an important thing for all of us, by far, has been the most challenging thing I've ever worked on," Abrams said.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker premieres in theaters on December 20th.