Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker has been wrapped in one of the thickest veils of secrecy of any modern blockbuster movie – but now that the first screenings have been held, the plot details are starting to come to light. For a lot of Star Wars fans, the last few days leading up to Rise of Skywalker‘s opening night will be a constant exorcise in muting and doging online spoilers. However, today we have at least one reveal from The Rise of Skywalker that’s not too spoilery to share: First words from the Episode IX opening crawl!
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Check out the first teases of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker‘s opening crawl, as shared by Sequel Trilogy star, John Boyega:
So if you actually took the time to watch the video and attempted to read the opening crawl, you know that this is all just one big joke that John Boyega is playing on Star Wars fans. Trolling them, if you want to call it accurately.
After getting a seemingly factual beginning (“This is a period of turmoil…”) before quickly segueing into a “Just Kidding” reveal, before the crawl turns into a line of nonsense stating:
“Just Kidding. This isn’t the real scroll. This is just some text we made up. We are doing this to make Hot Content, and this content is HOT. If you want the real scroll you’ll have to WAIT only a few more months. Seriously, it’ll be worth the wait TRUST ME NO SPOILERS Just make it til December 20th. Oh While you’re reading this, maybe you could settle this: who would win in a fight? Finn or Poe? I know they’re friends but like who looks stronger? Finn Right?”
The video is complete with gifs of Boyega dancing over the opening scrawl, to the beat of the song “VIBEZ” by rapper DaBaby. It’s a funny little bait-and-switch, but Boyega kind of bones himself on the timing. The video was just posted, but the gag scrawl advises that Star Wars fans just need to wait “a few more months” to see the real thing. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters in a few days, proving that this content may not be as hot and timely as Boyega claims.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters on December 20th. The Mandalorian streams new episodes every Friday on Disney+.