Clark Gregg Has Perfect Response to His Younger Look in ‘Captain Marvel’ Trailer
The first trailer for Captain Marvel gave fans a lot to process, but it looks like the new look […] -
‘Captain Marvel’ Fan Theory Could Explain How Carol Gets Her Red and Blue Costume
Captain Marvel will present an entirely new kind of Marvel Cinematic Universe origin story, and […] -
‘Captain Marvel’ Trailer Reveals First Look at Young Agent Coulson
After being missing from the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies since his ‘death’ in The Avengers in […] -
‘Captain Marvel’ Star Clark Gregg Teases a Rom-Com ‘Meet Cute’ for Nick Fury and Phil Coulson
After seven years, the fan-favorite Agent of SHIELD is finally returning to the big screen in the […] -
How ‘Captain Marvel’ Could Be Bad News for Marvel Television
Many fans were surprised about the cast announcement for Captain Marvel today, which revealed the […] -
Clark Gregg on the Future of ‘Agents of SHIELD’
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is being brought to the brink in Avengers: Infinity War, but there’s […] -
The Internet Loved Seeing Clark Gregg on the ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Red Carpet
The latest movie from Marvel Studios is serving as the culmination of the last decade of movies in […] -
‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Director Won’t Say if Coulson Appears
It’s almost a rite of passage at this point, but with every press event for an upcoming Marvel […] -
‘Agents of SHIELD’ Included an Avengers Easter Egg in “Rise and Shine”
Friday’s episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, “Rise and Shine,” may not have had a direct […] -
‘Agents of SHIELD’ Casts ‘Legend of the Seeker’ Villain
After escaping from a possible apocalyptic future where humanity existed under rule of the Kree, […]