Your family will always be there to help when things get rough. Of course, they can also be the best at making you crazy. Such was the case with the Phillips family.
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Cabot Phillips, his brother, their mom, and even their dentist, all had a hand in pranking their sister into thinking that the zombie apocalypse was real and happening right now. She just finished having her wisdom teeth removed, so she was still a bit doped up on pain medication, leaving her very susceptible to this sort of trickery.
The brothers played a fake emergency announcement on the radio, and subsequently pulled together supplies, and drove around acting like they were all going to Mexico to avoid the outbreak. Her reactions are priceless, and even all hyped up on medication she still makes some valid points, like “we have guns” when her brother puts a rake in the trunk or asking why the type of frosted cake they’re asking her to choose between matters.
That poor dog got the shaft though, but luckily both the dog and the cat are just fine. It’s quite entertaining, and just remember not to go to the dentist with your family in tow. You might end up on Youtube.

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