The episode starts with flashbacks to John and Laura’s time together. It flashes to the present, as a fight has broken out between Alicia and Mel’s groups. John tells her he got her note just before Morgan and “Laura” move him off of the battlefield.
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Strand pulls Alicia back from chasing her. Morgan tells her he is his friend. Alicia is set on her.
Luciana fires at Mel. She orders everyone to fire in his direction. Mel realizes he is wrong claiming he could take this group and abandons the fight. As he flees, Alicia continues firing before giving chase. Mel packs starts driving off in the ambulance as “Naomi” chases it for John’s medical supplies. Alicia, however, blows it up with her grenade launcher.
“We took you in,” Alicia says. “We gave you a home!” Fire from elsewhere disrupts their exchange. Morgan is trying to find a way to get John out. Luciana comes upon Charlie and aims at her. Charlie apologizes and Luciana hesitates, ultimately shooting someone behind her instead, which gives Charlie time to escape.
Morgan asks Althea to help but she refuses. Morgan, however, insists she help him as John continues to bleed out. She pulls the truck up to John and shows her guns, prompting Alicia to surrender. John tries to offer Charlie help and she accepts. Alicia, Strand, and Luciana fire at the truck as it leaves.
Naomi tells Althea to go to the fallen baseball stadium.
The opening credits play.
In the past, Luciana and others farm and move water at the baseball stadium. Nick points out this food won’t be ready for months but the rations will get them through. “Did you ever think we weren’t gonna make it?” he asks.
“We’re better in here,” she tells him before getting a radio from Douglas, informing her of a video.
Charlie is at the gate. “I need your help,” she tells them.ย
In the present, Morgan points out that John doesn’t have much time. Charlie notices Morgan as Nick’s friend. “You know what I did,” she says. “Why did you save me?”
“Because this has to stop, some place,” he tells her. “You know?”
In the back, Naomi/Laura pleads with John to stay with her. “He’s been looking for you,” Morgan tells her. “He has all this time. He never gave up.”ย
“Try to protect someone, I guess you wind up hurting them,” she responds.ย
Althea asks what happened. She wants to know what Naomi/Laura did to them.ย
“What happened back there wasn’t her fault,” Charlie says. “It was mine.”
In the past, Naomi/Laura tends to Mel who got in an accident outside of the baseball stadium. Charlie lead them out here and claims this accident happened because he was trying to avoid it. They debate leaving him out here. Charlie insists she is not lying now and pleads with Madison. Nick is hesitant and doesn’t want to keep doing this but Madison encourages it.ย
In the present, Alicia finds a truck with keys in it. Luciana and Strand head her way and they head out after putting down Mel’s reanimated buddy. Luciana, Alicia, and Strand come up with a plan in the truck before Alicia heads out to kill Mel. He is badly burnt and cut from the explosion.
“How long was she with you?” Alicia asks. Mel simply reaches for her. “You know what? It doesn’t matter.” Alicia drives the gun barrel into his head.
In the past, Madison greets Mel as he wakes up. He tells her his people aren’t the ones they need to be worried about, while handcuffed to the bed.
Strand reveals they found a whole bunch of Vulture signs and dead. Mel, meanwhile, coughs in the infirmary as Naomi tends to him. When she approaches, Mel puts a knife to her throat and threatens her to take him to Charlie. She, instead, punches his cracked ribs and takes the knife.ย
Mel starts talking about how he is trying to warn these people but they won’t listen. He knows she is new to this place. “People who stay die,” he says. “And everybody they’re fighting for dies with them and it doesn’t need to be that way, Naomi.” He invites her to join them. “You help us, we’ll help you.”ย
Outside, Madison stands in the baseball diamond with her hammer. She starts undoing some construction over one of the dugouts. Naomi joinsย her in there to tell her they are not safe. She wants to consider leaving but Madison shoots it down. Naomi explains that she has been on the wrong side of what’s happening to her and it’s not worth risking lives to protect.
Madison continues her construction, more frantically.ย
Mel coughs in the infirmary while Madison approaches. She tells him to just go and gives him a blanket. She won’t let him turn everyone against her. He just wants Charlie but Madison won’t hand her over. As everyone is boarding up the gate, Madisonย orders everyone to open it and send him out. As he gets in the truck, he pleads with Madison to let him take Charlie. He doesn’t believe Madison can take care of her. Mel insists she is holding on to something that is gone by building this little civilization. “No one’s gone tilย their gone,” she tells him.ย
She points her gun at him, so he finally leaves. She orders everyone to seal the gates and not to think about what Mel said.ย
Later, she is continuing to tear down the building on the dug out. Nick approaches and says they should have made Mel stay. Nick opens up and tells her that he wasn’t afraid of being out in the world as much as he was afraid of being away from her. She shows him the way and he feels found here. “Having a guy kill himself because we’re afraid of him?” he asks. “I don’t think that’s where you wanted us to wind up.
Later, Nick and Alicia explain to Charlie that Mel was sent away. Alicia put a walker in the car and Charlie is allowed to reach out to him. He responds, weak. She questions where he is but he doesn’t respond after some coughing.ย
Charlie begs them to help.ย
At the gate, Strand and Cole fortify the walls. Alicia approaches, though, and she wants to get out. Strand questions whether or not Madison knows they’re leaving. Nick acknowledges that she doesn’t. “Your mother did the same thing for me,” Strand says. “Far be itย for me to stop you.”
The group drives out of the stadium in their truck. Strand encourages them to keep up the chatter on the radio and says Madison doesn’t check Channel 6. Nick and Alicia reassure each other that they’re doing the right thing.
Somewhere else, Mel’s pal starts up a truck loaded with walkers.ย A convoy starts rolling out.
Back at the stadium, Madison sits with her hammer and is joined by Naomi. Naomi jokes that if she tries to remove the showers she’ll chain herself to the pipes. Naomi says she is prepping the infirmary for whatever is going to happen before walking off.ย
Nick and Alicia find the Land Rover which Mel left in. Nick puts down a walker before they help him out of the truck. Nick hears something coming and rushes to turn the lights of the trucks out. Mel was trying to say something. The convoy of Mel’s pals drives by. Alicia warns Strand, who instructs Cole to get Madison and sound the alarm.
Nick and Alicia head back down a different path. Madison is unhappy with Strand for allowing her kids to go out. They spot the convoy from the gate. Nick and Alicia are still half a mile off of the stadium. Strand sees an ice cream truck headed inward, with walker blood leaking from its back end. It parks before Nick and Alicia return.ย
The group is cautious and tries to figure out what’s going on just as several more trucks swarm the stadium. Madison wants to get Nick and Alicia inside.ย
Ennis orders everyone to open the trucks and unleash the dead. An entire herd starts toward the baseball stadium.ย
Alicia and Nick are trapped outside. Madison orders them to get inside quickly. A woman ignites the trail left by the first truck. Strand realizes these walkers are covered in oil. Madison is going out after her kids. Luciana and Strand are going with her.ย
Alicia realizes they can’t drive through the herd. The community inside open the gate.
“Mom, I’m sorry,” Alicia says over the radio. “We had to come out here. We had to try and save him.ย We couldn’t just hide. We didn’t mean to do this to you but it was the right thing to do.”
The gates open, Madison sees the flames, and preps herself to head out to her kids.
In the present timeline, an ice cream truck is burnt up. Althea stops her truck and Althea orders her not to stop. Laura says Mel’s group wouldn’t go inside.ย
“Hey Al,” Morgan starts. “I think I know who you are. I think I’ve seen it.”
Al cuts him off and insists he is wrong. She drives them inside, through a barricade. Once through, some smoke clears, and a herd of burnt up, naked walkers is seen inside.ย