The Walking Dead may focus on Rick Grimes, but Negan is never far from the show’s spotlight. The bat-wielding baddie made his debut a couple seasons back, and his bloody part in the season seven premiere created a pop culture phenomenon. He’s the character fans love to hate, but when it comes to Jeffrey Dean Morgan, there is one thing the actor genuinely doesn’t like.
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Recently, the actor took to San Diego Comic Con with the cast of The Walking Dead. During the show’s panel, Morgan was asked what he liked and disliked about Negan. After a moment, the actor piped up, and he had this to say:
“I think he’s got a great sense of humor. And in these dark days, a sense of humor will help you get through. What do I like least about him? That he wears a leather jacket on a 120-degree day.”
So, it’s confirmed; Morgan can deal with Negan being a murderer, but he draws the line at seasonal inappropriate clothing.
Of course, fans of The Walking Dead comic will know Negan’s look is a rooted one. Robert Kirkman’s series has made Negan don a leather jacket for quiet some time, and its black patchwork is what makes the villain’s aesthetic so memorable. Negan’s jacket is as crucial to the charcter as a cowboy hat is to Carol, but still. If you know Georgia, then you know how hot the state gets in the summer when The Walking Dead is filming. Morgan’s dislike of the leather jacket has less to do with style and more to do with avoiding heatstroke.
Aside from Negan’s wardrobe, Morgan seems pretty pleased with the character. The role does give the actor a chance to let loose his inhibitions and strut around like a genuine badass. Aside from all the wanton murder and creepiness, it is no surprise to hear Negan is rather fun role to take on.
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Fear the Walking Dead returns on September 10. The Walking Dead returns for its eighth season on October 22. For complete coverage and insider info, follow @BrandonDavisBD on Twitter.

[HT] CinemaBlend