All of the worlds have ended in The Walking Dead as zombie roam the Earth looking for a human snack. However, those worlds consists of more than just that of Rick Grimes and the surviving characters around him.
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Well, not really, but the team behind the AMC series has decided to drop several connections to other popular movies and TV series throughout its seven seasons. If it were a Marvel or DC film, fans would be calling out “crossover!” at the top of their lungs, but this isn’t that sort of connection. On The Walking Dead, it’s more a fun little reference to popular titles and iconic props within them.
On the following slides, we take a look at five popular movies and TV shows which have made their way into the world of The Walking Dead.
The X-Files
When Dwight snagged a pack of cigarettes from the fish mounted on the wall of his Sanctuary bedroom during Sunday night’s Hostiles and Calamities episode, the label on the carton read, “Morley.” The Morley brand of cigarettes is popularly known for being created on the X-Files TV Show.
The brand of cigarettes have been featured on the AMC series several times in the past, especially when Daryl Dixon has a smoke. It’s another way of drawing parallels between Dwight and Daryl.

Late in Season 6, Maggie and Carol were taken hostage by the Saviors in one of their compounds for an episode called The Same Boat. They were tied up and left in a room until the Saviors could figure out what to do with them or Rick came to rescue them.
As it turned out, the two women rescued themselves, but not after spending a solid amount of time in a room which exists in a popular movie franchise. The room was the same room seen in the original Saw movie. The popular horror film became iconic in its genre after being released in 2004. Apparently, the set was never destroyed, and Jigsaw might be stumbling around somewhere as a zombie.

Smokey and the Bandit
A week ago, Daryl and Richard set out on a mission to strike the Saviors in the New Best Friends episode. Along the way, they got into a fight amongst themselves and had to hide from passing Saviors behind a truck.
The truck which they used for cover was the iconic truck from Smokey and the Bandit. The Internet went wild when they spotted the truck, plastered with horses along its side, and wished to see a Burt Reynolds walker at some point.
Season 4 of The Walking Dead saw Carol and Daryl onย paired adventure in Atlanta for an episode called Consumed.
On their journey, the two characters found themselves trapped in a van as walkers surrounded them on a bridge. Unfortunately, the van was hanging from the side of a bridge and their weight was enough to send it flipping to the ground below.
However, in that van was a Virgin Mary statue, possibly filled with heroine, as it was a reference to the popular ABC series LOST. On LOST, Mr. Ekoย smuggled drugs from Africa inside of the Virgin Mary statues and Boone found them in a plane hanging from a cliff. Like the van in The Walking Dead, gravity defeated the plane.
Did the Dharmaย Initiative cause the outbreak?

Breaking Bad
We all know Merle Dixon loved his pharmaceuticals. However, he may have been into a few more extracurricular activitiesย than meets the eye, as can be seen in Season 2’s Bloodletting episode.
In the episode, Daryl grabs a bag of prescription drugs and other drugs which belonged to Merle and, in it, there is a considerable pile of blue pills. Those pills are a direct reference to Breaking Bad‘s Blue Sky drugs created by Walter White and Jesse Pinkman. One has to wonder if Walter ever reanimated and started biting people.
