The episode begins with Michonne talking to Rick Grimes at his memorial. Much time has passed.
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“At times we crack, only to let light in,” the wall ins Carol and Ezekiel’s room reads. She has long, gray hair now. The Kingdom is almost entirely rebuilt and continues to survive.
Michonne rides a horse down a road. “The path ahead has only grown darker, harder to see,” she says. “You can feel so lost, so alone.” In the present, she explores a truck on the side of a road and finds an action figure inside of a cowboy with his gun drawn, reminding her of Rick.
Meanwhile, Daryl walks through the woods after putting down a walker in a swamp. He sees a bird land on a walker’s shoulder, snatch a worm, and bring it to her baby birds in a nest.
The Walking Dead’s opening credits play.
Aaron, Rosita, Eugene, Laura, and others come running to Judith. THey meet the newcomers, Magna’s group. Eugene leads the charge in putting down incoming walkers. Ultimately, Judith’s plea to get these people food and medicine is approved by Aaron and they head off.
At the Kingdom, Jerry jokes with Carol about her not accepting a title as “Queen” despite being wife to the king and mother to the prince. They rush over to a boiler room after hearing a noise, where they find a much older Henry repairing it and requesting better tools. King Ezekiel stops Henry on his way out to tell him, “You had best watch your tone, son.”ย
Back in Alexandria, Magna’sย group is welcomed in. A member of their group is deaf. Judith, carrying Rick’s python, welcomes them into the gates. They are shocked to see the community, which has thorouglyย evolved and now has a windmill, all sorts of farming, and new buildings. The entire community is startled by new arrivals. Siddiqย is quick to help them but others are quick to detain them.ย
Michonne rides in and gets everyone’sย attention. She questions what is happening here. Aaron gets scolded for calling to bring these people here before Judith takes the blame. Aaron speaks up and says they need to decide these people’s fates together.
Michonneย orders them to be sent to holding.ย
Judith discovers the action figure which looks like Rick and picks it up on the ground.ย
At the Kingdom, Ezekiel sends Henry off with Carol. “I’ll be back before the fair starts,” Henry tells him. He is headed to the Hilltop to begin learning the trade of blacksmiths.ย
In Alexandria, Father Gabriel leads an interrogation on the newcomers. Others sit and watch. The group claims to have no leaders. They lost Bernie yesterday and there were others. “Who were you before?” Aaron asks.
A music teacher, a waiter, a journalist, and a high school student are their answers. Now, they’re a fighter, a guardian angel, and a music teacher. To survive, they did anything they had to. Luke explains that these people would not have been seen together prior to the apocalypse, all looking so different and coming from different places.ย
Michonne orders Magna to show a tattoo on her left hand, revealing a prison tattoo because she’s been to jail. She is then ordered to put the knife hidden in her belt on the table before Michonneย walks out and orders everyone to vote.
Later, Father Gabriel messes with a radio system. Rosita walks in, thinking he had given up on it. “I just keep thinking that there’s still people out there,” Gabriel says. “People that we don’t know about it.” They discuss the newcomers and Rosita thinks Michonne could change her mind.ย
“I was talking to Eugene,” Gabriel says. Eugene thinks they could communicate with people if they leave the community. Rosita tells Gabriel to get with Eugene and continue their plans before kissing him goodbye.
In the house, Judith catches Michonneย talking toย Rick. She tries to walk away but a creek in the floorboard gets her caught.ย
On a street, Henry rushes to a woman crying out for help but ends up getting himself ad Carol caught by the remaining Saviors, lead by Regina and Jed.
On the road somewhere, Eugene talks to Rosita about her relationship with Gabriel. She doesn’t want to discuss it, though. He thinks he is better for her, though, but won’t directly admit it. They come across severe walker tracks and are looking for water towers.
In Alexandria, the newcomers sit with their injured group member in the infirmary, seeing Michonne training Judith through the window. Luke asks Siddiqย about how he ended up here. “It was different then,” he tells Luke. “There’s a reason for everything.”
Back on the streets, the Saviors are roundingย up the supplies which Carol and Henry were delivering. They have walkers pulling their materials. When Carol agrees to let them take the supplies, Jed wants to push buttons and demands the ring on her finger. Henry starts a fight and Carol orders they take the ring and go. Jed puts it on his finger and heads out.ย
In Alexandria, Judith sits on a stoop doing math homework. Through his cell’s window, Neganย offers his help on more important equations. She decides to ask him about the strangers they brought to Alexandria and why they have to make them leave. Neganย explains thatย a dog he once brought home hurt all of his other dogs. She doesn’t want his help with anything other than math, though. “It doesn’t matter if you’re a good or bad person on the inside,” she tells him. “The numbers don’t care!”
Meanwhile, Eugene has been trying to get a radio signal from atop the water tower. He sees a herd of walkers coming and calls down to Rosita. His bag falls, though, and it scares the horses away. Rosita scrambles for supplies while Eugene accidentally kicks his connecting ladder down. He jumps down and severely injures his knee. Rosita brings him a cane and they flee.ย
At night, Henry criticizes Carol for night standing up for what’s right and wrong. She explains that she decided to let it go in this instance because of him and he’ll understand one day.ย
In their holding cell, Luke asks for Yumiko’sย necklace from Magna, which is a hidden weapon. Magnaย refuses to go back out into the world. Luke doesn’t want to fight these people, though.ย
In the middle of the night, Carol lights all of the remaining Saviors on fire as revenge for taking her stuff.ย
Later, Magnaย has snuck out of her cell and was going to try to kill Michonne. When a new, younger child comes up to her, Magnaย changes her mind and knocks on the door to hand over the weapon. When Michonneย comes back inside, she sees Judith holding Rick’s python, ready to protect her.
“He would’ve been proud,” Michonneย tells her. “Your brother, too.”ย
“Then why won’t you help them?” Judith asks.
“You’ll understand someday,” Michonneย says.ย
“I know you talk to him sometimes,” Judith says, placing the cowyboy action figure on the steps. “Carl, too. I’m starting to forget their voices. I’m not trying to but they keep fading away. I hope you can still hear them.”
The little boy suddenly comes run down the hallway, telling Michonneย he is hungry now.ย
The next day, Judith and Eugene continue to run from the herd. Eugene insists he is holding her back and he is willing to distract them. He has been trying to work up the “testicular heft” to tell her but she insists he doesn’t make it weird and they continue.
Elsewhere, Henry and Carol ride back to the Kingdom. He apologizes for what he said to her the night before and notices that her ring is planted back on her finger.ย
In the middle of the woods, Daryl is dressed as a nomad and carrying logs. “Need a ride, stranger?” Carol asks him.
In Alexandria, Michonne changes her clothes, revealing an “X” on her back. She puts on one of Rick’s shirts.
Outside, Judith sees Gabriel giving the newcomers their stuff back. They thank the doctor, Gabriel, and Judith for their hospitality. When they’re ready to leave, Michonneย rides up, tosses Judith the action figure, and is going to escort this group to the Hilltop. Judith wishes them well.
Out in the woods, Eugene and Rosita hide, covering themselves in mud and leaves. As the walkers continue by, they hear a conversation being whispered?
“Where are they? They must close. Don’t let them get away,” the Whisperers say.