The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Recap With Spoilers: Mid-Season 10 Finale

The episode starts at the border wall with Dante and Alpha. She explains to him that nothing from […]

The episode starts at the border wall with Dante and Alpha. She explains to him that nothing from his past or his short amount of time with the Whisperers matters. After he did well at the barn, she needs him to spy on Alexandria. She notes that Lydia doesn’t know him. He attacks strangers and takes their clothes before crying for help from other survivors as walkers approach. He has been leaving notes in a small tin case for Alpha and has been the one writing “Silence the Whisperers” around the town. He is also shown changing the water. He smothers Cheryl, the sick elderly woman. Alphsa promises him a special place among the Whisperers.

Now, Dante sits with Siddiq’s dead body and thinks about what he has done. He grabs a knife to put down Siddiq but Rosita knocks and enters quickly with Coco looking for him. Dante greets her. While Dante tries to cover up the murder, Siddiq reanimates and Rosita hears him. He suddenly reveals his knife as she catches on but Siddiq approaches. Dante attacks Rosita. Siddiq goes after his own baby. Dante tries to choke Siddiq and encourages her to acceot Siddiq eating their kid. Rosita has to put Siddiq down after stabbing Dante before quickly going back to beat him. She grabs Coco takes one last look at Siddiq’s dead body.

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The Walking Dead”s opening credits play.


At the border on the bridge, Gamma talks with Aaron and asks about her nephew. Aaron reveals that the baby was named Adam. She offers information in exchange for seeing the baby. She takes her mask off to share the intel: “Before all this, my name was Mary…”

In Alexandria, Daryl beats Dante in the infirmary. Dante insists that knowing that none of this matters will set them free and encourages them to accept the future. He insists that he had no choice but to kill Siddiq and reveals that his plan was to create paranoia. He’s looking forward to them arguing over what to do with him like they did with Negan.ย 

When Aaron gets back, Daryl and Carol inform him of what happened with Siddiq and Dante. They’re going to head to Hilltop to share Mary’s intel and hopefully get Lydia back. Carol isn’t eager to find Lydia and use her as Alexandria’s shield.ย 


Outside of Alexandria, Scott leads a convoy on foot. Michonne stops the group when he comes across recent prints. Luke is uneasy about the footsteps. Meanwhile, Judith is writing something. He explains that he is whistling one of his favorite songs and writes it down for her in a book where she is documenting everything that happens to them for the future. Along the way, Luke gets them to stop at a library and get more books. She picks up a Russian-English dictionary for Eugene to understand the satellite parts. Luke heads to the music.ย 

Hilltop relays a message to Michonne while Luke finds a musical book of Rachmaninoff. He is attacked by walkers and a mysterious man saves his life before fleeing. Michonne searches the man’s pack. She explains to Luke that Siddiq is dead and they have to hurry up.ย ย 


Father Gabriel speaks at Siddiq’s funeral. Ezekiel explains to Carol that Siddiq was one of those people he thought would “live forever.” He will stay here for “maybe a day or two” and volunteers to help with Alpha’s herd. He does not tell her about his cancer.ย 

Rosita hears walkers banging on the Alexandria walls and goes outside to kill them using brass knuckles, getting her anger out and flashing back to Siddiq’s death. Eugene helps her take out the last walker which had a metal helmet on. He offers his “deepest condolences” to her and wishes he could offer more.ย 

Back in Alexandria, Gabriel watches Dante’s interview tapes in which he claims to have been a doctor who lost track of time in the woods. He asks Rick’s three questions: “How many walkers have you killed? How many people have you killed. Why?” Rosita enters and learns that Coco is asleep. Gabriel doesn’t want to play along with Rosita’s emotions. He is focused on acting swiftly in the Dante situation.ย 


In his house, Aaron quizzes Gracie in state capitols. She wants stories about his experiences and explains that he once went hiking with a man he loved in California. They stood there and listened to the sound of the ocean waves which were far away and tried to imagine the people who once lived here.

In Oceanside, Michonne demands they use a more rigorous system to vet newcomers. The man from the library is brought into the community and tries to wrestle himself away from custody. Michonne draws her sword and the man insists he simply wants to get back to his family. Luke defends the man. Michonne demands he answer her questions, starting with, “Who are your people?” but walkers start to flood in. They are almost overwhelmed.

In Alexandria, Father Gabriel enters Dante’s cell room. “Did you even have a son?” he asks. “I guess it doesn’t [matter].” Gabriel opens the cell gate and walks in. Dante suggests people did all of this to the world. Gabriel is deeply saddened by the loss of Siddiq who he loved like a brother. “I haven’t always been brave,” he says. “Do we deserve a second chance? I don’t know. But sometimes we get one anyway.” He pulls out a knife and uses it to stab Dante several times, yelling with each jab. After the kill, Gabrielย cries into his blood-covered hands.


In Oceanside, the new guy tries to flee but Judith cuts his shin with her sword and trips him. She calls for Michonne.ย 

In Alexandria, Rosita tells Coco, “You will grow strong. You will know safety and family and a home.” Gabriel emerges from the cell and crosses the street as she looks on.

Elsewhere, Daryl parks his parks in the woods with Aaron and Carol. Connie, Jerry, and Magna greet them. Later in the night, Carol marches across the Whisperer border, followed by Daryl. Daryl asks her to stop, claiming she wants Alpha dead so badly that she doesn’t care what happens to her. Daryl encourages her to talk to him, “You gotta try, alright?” and insists that Alpha is not worth it. “She’s a dead woman, anyway. We have a future. Don’t let her take that, too.” He kills a bear trap with a log as Carol marches on and kills a walker.ย 


In the night, Gabriel stands by a fire, presumably roasting Dante’s body. Rosita approaches and puts her head on his shoulder.ย 

Meanwhile, the new guy wakes up at Oceanside, hands tied. He sees Judith reading a book that he insists is for his daughter and is angry over it. Michonne asks for a minute with him. As Judith closes the book, she sees that it is called, “The World Before.” Michonne asks what he is really doing here. He insists he isn’t watching them and doesn’t want to hurt anybody. He claims that mercy is in short supply, prompting a memory: “Just reminds me of something a friend used to say. ‘My mercy prevails over my wrath.’” She gets emotional and suggests he tell her where his family is. He lives on an island which is hard to find and fortified. She goes on to tell Judith that the man lives on a Naval base loaded with weapons that could help them defeat Alpha. She insists that she has to be the one to go off to it.


Daryl’s group comes upon the location which Mary told Aaron about. It is vacant. Daryl is furious and wants to find Lydia. It seems someone is watching them from the treeline. Aaron insists he was not wrong.

At Oceanside, Michonne informs the new guy, Virgil, that the weapons will be how he pays his debt to Oceanside. She gives him his stuff back before they shake hands. She is heading off alone and tells everyone that she has a radio with her if they need her. She says her farewell to Judith and tells her that she can reach out any time over the radio and says, “Be good for Uncle Daryl.”

In the woods, Carol spots Alpha. She rushes toward her as Alpha runs into the woods. Daryl and the group follow. Alpha seems to be doing this intentionally. Walkers cut off the rest of the group, prompting Daryl to send the others for Carol. They all go into a dark building, Daryl last, blades drawn. He falls into a pit where the rest of the group is trapped, surrounded by walkers.ย