Morgan, Ezekiel, Jerry, Benjamin Richard, and a woman from the Kingdom stand waiting for the Saviors. The woman uses a bow to put an arrow through a zombie’s head. She says her sister had the zombie’s dress
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The Saviors arrive and check the delivery to make sure it is up to par. Gavin, a Savior, says the drop looks light at first but Ezekiel promises they met the obligations. He double checks and agrees.
The long-haired Savior, Jared, wants Richard’s gun. They come to a stand off and everyone draws their weapons. Ezekiel insists that Richard hands over his weapon. Richard is angered and makes a comment, prompting the Savior to strike him with the gun. Morgan blocks it with his stick, though. The Savior takes Morgan’s stick and Benjamin cuts him down.
UP NEXT: Jadis Actress Tells All About New Group
Gavin tells Ezekiel this can’t happen. Richard is “batting first on the line up” he says. Gavin orders Jared to get up and they start to leave.
Morgan asks for his stick back from Jared, sharing its importance with him. Jared wants to “tune him up” but Gavin insists they all just leave. As they pull away, the woman with the bow repeats that her sister loved that dress.
Back at the Kingdom, Ezekiel tells Benjamin he is impressed with his fighting skills but that shouldn’t make him seek fights in the future. Ezekiel tells Richard they will speak later. Jerry tells Benjamin he is “sick with the stick.” Morgan and Ben speak for a moment before Daryl calls Morgan over to hear where they had been.
Daryl knows they went to see the Saviors. He questions why Morgan doesn’t want to fight despite bleeding and knowing what they are. Daryl insists that if Carol were here and she knew about Abraham and Glenn, she would be leading them straight to the Saviors, ready to kill them all. Morgan says that is why she left. Daryl walks away.

Elsewhere in the Kingdom, Richard practices with a bow. Daryl approaches him and Richard goes on about fighting the Saviors. Morgan told Richard that Daryl is a bowman, so Richard offers him a new bow. Daryl accepts it but asks “Why?” Richard tells him, “We want the same things. I need your help.” Daryl looks down the sights of the bow and the opening credits roll.
Richard and Daryl grab guns and supplies from a trailer. Walking along a road with a sign for a cemetery, the two men are on a mission. They take cover behind a truck. Richard tells him the Saviors will pass in bunches of two or three trucks and they will attack, setting them on fire when they’re done so it’s bad. He will plant a trail to a house where “a woman” has been living. Daryl questions who she is and Richard tries not to reveal her identity despite Daryl asking who she is. Eventually, Richard is forced to reveal that the woman is Carol, causing Daryl to abort the mission. Richard continues to attempt to convince Daryl to help with this plan which will get Ezekiel on board but Daryl tells Richard to “stay away from Carol.”
The Saviors approach from down the street. Richard prepares to attack them but Daryl stops him, tossing him onto the ground and eventually throwing five punches into his face. Richard uses the bow to hit Daryl and knock him off balance and the two come to a standoff with their weapons drawn. Richard tells Daryl that his group needs the Kingdom and there will have to be sacrifices. Daryl tells Richard that if anything at all happens to Carol, he will kill him, and then walks away.
At the junkyard where Rock in the Road left off, a bunch of new people dressed in dark clothing emerge from a cargo hold. Rick, Rosita, Tara, Michonne and Aaron emerge with them and look puzzled. A woman asks “Are you a collective or does one lead?”
“Hi, I’m Rick,” Rick says. She tells him, “We own your lives. You wanna buy them back? Have anything?” Rick tells her that she has one his people, Gabriel, and he wants to see him first before they talk. The woman signals someone to retrieve Gabriel. He shows up wearing a white tank top, looking afraid. The woman explains that they took the supplies from the boat and the rest of Alexandria’s supplies. Rick tells her that everything they have belongs to the Saviors and if these people kill them, the Saviors will come looking for them. “You only have two options when it comes to the Saviors. Either they kill you or they own you,” Rick said. “But they is a way out. Join us. Join us in fighting them.” The woman denies Rick’s request with a grin. The starts to take down Rick’s group until Gabriel holds one of the Garbage Pail Kids hostage with a knife. The leader orders Gabriel away from Tamiel but Gabriel explains that the Saviors have everything they’re looking for. The leader calls her people off then Gabriel away from Tamiel. He abides and drops his knife. “If you join us and we beat them together, you can have much of what’s there’s. Fighting with us, you’ll be rewarded, more than you can imagine,” Gabriel insists.
The leader wants something now. Gabriel tells her that Rick can do anything. Rick found Gabriel and showed him as much and they’re willing to show them what they can do. The leader orders Tamiel and Brion to show Rick, “Up, up, up.” Rick is escorted somewhere while the others are kept closely monitored by the new group.

From the top of a pile of garbage, Rick, the leader, and two others emerge. Rick can see for miles over this junkyard. The leader explains that all of this people have been here since the change. “We take. We don’t bother,” she said, before explaining that as time passes things change and get more difficult. She questions Rick’s abilities and tosses him into a pit.
Michonne and the others wonder what happened. They look on throw windows of tires. Rick insists he is alright, until a walker covered in knives, spears, and wearing a metal helmet emerges. He tries to smash its head with a keyboard but nothing happens. He puts his hand on its head, stabbing through his hand completely with one of the knives. The walker is relentless in its attack. Rick’s leg is also cut. There’s a skull on the floor of someone who previously lost this fight. Michonne yells for Rick to use the walls. He removes pieces of it and causes trash bags to fall onto the walkers, pinning it to the ground. Rick carefully picks up a piece of glass and uses it to cut the walker’s head off before looking up to the leader and asking, “You believe us now?” He is ready to work for them and form an alliance. They drop a rope down for Rick to climb out.
Rick makes it to the top of the garbage pile after carefully using his severely injured hand. The leader tells him, “Guns. A lot.” The woman asks if he thinks they’re going to win and he insists that they will. They begin negotiating. She wants half of the jars they took and the guns. Rick was going to shake hands with his bloody hand but she goes for the other. The woman reveals that she waited for someone to get the supplies off of the boat where Aaron and Rick found guns. Rick wants to know what they were going to do with Gabriel but she dodges answering. Rick asks her name and the woman responds, “Jadis.”
The Garbage Pail Kids leave and Rick reunites with his group, telling them, “We have a deal.”
Ezekiel and his men arrive at Carol’s house. She tells him he was supposed to leave her alone and quickly heads inside. Before she can close the door, Jerry is eager to deliver some cobbler to her. She accepts it and sends them on their way.
Moments later, Carol sits on he couch to read a book until there is a knock on the door. She opens it, shocked. It’s Daryl. They embrace each other. Daryl looks hurt. “Jesus took us to the Kingdom. Morgan said you just left. I was out here. I saw you,” Daryl said. “Why’d you go?”
“I had to,” Carol says.
Back at the junkyard, Gabriel explains how he ended up here. He was kidnapped. He was beginning to lose faith but then Rick saw him and nodded. His search for Gabriel restored his faith. “We will set things right,” Gabriel said. “But things are gonna get very hard before that time. We have to hold on.” He asks what made Rick smile and why he was so confident. “Someone showed me, enemies can become friends.”
Rosita wants to go search for weapons immediately. Aaron and Tara are not on board, prompting Rosita to say she will go out on her own. Tara wants everyone to stick together, insisting they’re not looking for a fight right now but getting ready for one. A few more remaining Garbage Pail Kids remind the group, “Guns, soon.”
Rick’s group packs a car. Tara doesn’t tell Rick about Oceanside. Rick grabs a wire made cat and hands it to Michonne before they leave.
Carol sits by a fire and talks with Daryl, explaining herself and saying that she couldn’t lose him or kill anyone. She says if they hurt any of their people, she would go after them. “The Saviors, did they come?” she asks. Daryl tells her they did. “Did anyone get hurt?” Carol asks. Daryl is reluctant to answer and ultimately lies, telling her that no one got hurt. He says they got them all and everyone is alright. Carol is relieved.
Daryl asks if they’re going to eat and they do. After food, Daryl heads out. They hug and he tells her, “Watch out for yourself.”
Back at the Kingdom, Daryl is sitting with the tiger. Morgan says, “You’re good with her. Ezekiel will be impressed.”
“I figure any guy that has a pet tiger can’t be that bad,” Daryl said, before revealing that he found Carol. Morgan tells Daryl that he was only following Carol’s instructions when he said she just went away. Daryl tells him they need the Kingdom but Morgan insists, “It can’t be me.” Daryl tells him whatever he is holding onto is already gone. Morgan says they’re the same because he also didn’t tell Carol what happened. “I’m glad for that,” Morgan said.
Shiva the tiger embraces Daryl’s hand before he heads out to prepare for a trip to the Hilltop.
In the morning, Daryl heads out for Hilltop.
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The Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9 pm ET on AMC. For complete coverage and insider info all season long, follow @BrandonDavisBD on Twitter.